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            Adharv's mind was flooded with concerns about Jewelz's condition. He couldn't afford to let her slip away. He gently lifted her from the ground and carried her to the empty road. Given the late hour and the deserted surroundings, his chances of finding a cab were slim. Adharv's mind was in turmoil, overwhelmed by thoughts of the potential consequences awaiting him.

"What am I going to do?" he muttered, holding Jewelz in his arms as she bled profusely. He walked forward, desperately hoping to find some help. Fortunately, he spotted the same cab that Mr. Aansh had arranged for him. Adharv stepped into the middle of the road as the cab approached.

The cab driver immediately halted upon seeing Adharv carrying a bloodied woman. Stepping out of the vehicle, Adharv implored him for assistance, and the driver readily agreed. Together, they rushed to the nearby hospital.

Upon arrival at the hospital, Jewelz was swiftly taken to the intensive care unit. Adharv was asked to fill out some paperwork by a nurse, and he did so diligently. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him as the nurse explained that Jewelz required surgery, but her condition was critical, and there were no guarantees of her survival.

The doctor's words plunged Adharv into deeper despair. He contemplated the possibility of her death and the dreadful consequences that would follow. He found a seat along the wall designated for bystanders, with the cab driver sitting beside him. Adharv remembered that he owed the driver for his assistance and offered him two five-hundred-rupee notes. However, the driver refused, stating that people like him didn't charge for such situations. Adharv was taken aback by this act of kindness and insisted that he accept the money. He then inquired about the driver's family.

"My name is Manohar, and I have a wife and two children," he replied.

Adharv realized that Manohar had his own family waiting for him and urged him to leave. He handed over the two notes as a token of gratitude, which Manohar accepted after some insistence.

Sitting in front of the ICU, Adharv couldn't help but watch the medical staff going in and out of the unit, each moment feeling more agonizing than the last. His thoughts were consumed by what he would have to say to others about the situation. Should he confide in someone, even though it might make him appear responsible for what had happened?

His anxiety escalated when a nurse informed him that the police were on their way. Adharv knew that he was the primary witness in this case, and fear gripped him as he considered the implications. He quickly constructed a false narrative of how he had found Jewelz and what had transpired, hoping it would suffice when speaking to the police.

As the police officers arrived at the hospital, Adharv maintained a composed demeanor, feigning calmness despite the turmoil inside. He had rehearsed the fabricated theory in his mind and stood up from his chair as a sign of respect when they approached, attempting to conceal the rising fear within him.

Adharv found himself in a grueling interrogation with the CI, who pressed him for details about the incident. Nervously, he recounted his fabricated story, explaining how he had stumbled upon a woman's cries and discovered her injured near the Metalife research facility. Despite stammering during his account, he managed to maintain his composure.

The inspector inquired if he knew the victim. Adharv responded, "I don't know her that much, but I do see her at my college."

After taking down Adharv's information and seizing his ID, details, and phone, one officer remained with him while another spoke with the doctors. Adharv's mind raced with fear and uncertainty, and he continued to devise theories to strengthen his statement.

A short while later, two doctors emerged from the ICU and delivered devastating news. They had done their best, but Jewelz's injuries were too severe, and she had succumbed to them. The doctors emphasized that her chances of survival would have been higher if she had arrived just ten minutes earlier.

Adharv was shattered by the news of Jewelz's death. He slumped to the floor, feeling numb and disconnected from the world around him. The presence of the police officers went unnoticed as he remained in a state of shock.

As nurses wheeled Jewelz's lifeless body out on a stretcher, covered in white sheets, Adharv was unaware of it all. He sat in silence, his mind blank and unresponsive.

CI Ramdev ordered Adharv to stand, but he offered no response. Growing suspicious of Adharv due to his phone's contact details and his initial statement, Ramdev ordered his arrest. Adharv suddenly realized he had become the prime suspect. Fear surged through him, and he began frantically mentioning the vehicle he had seen earlier. The inspector questioned his delayed revelation, to which Adharv replied that he had been afraid.

In a shocking display of aggression, the inspector physically assaulted Adharv, even within the confines of the hospital. Adharv cried out in pain as he was subjected to this brutality. The inspector accused him of concocting a false story and proclaimed that it wouldn't be easy for him this time. Adharv was handcuffed and forcibly taken out of the hospital and towards the police vehicle.

Adharv was tormented by self-blame for not contacting Mr. Aansh, believing that he could have resolved the situation. He dreaded what lay ahead for him, especially considering that the inspector seemed to be working for the person responsible for Jewelz's death, someone potentially wealthy and influential.

As they reached the vehicle, Salim was waiting for them. The inspector directed Adharv to enter the vehicle forcefully. Just as they were about to depart, the inspector received a call. He stepped out of the vehicle to answer it, displaying a respectful demeanor that suggested it was a call from his superior.

When the call ended, the inspector appeared infuriated. He ordered his men to uncuff Adharv, as his superior had instructed him to release him. The inspector's arrogance was palpable as he climbed back into the car and left the scene.

Adharv was left bewildered, unable to fathom why the superior had intervened to free him. He considered the possibility that Mr. Aansh might be involved somehow. Nevertheless, he couldn't shake the fear that still lingered. He walked to the front of the hospital, his apprehension and confusion remaining. Adharv had always been reserved and stoic, struggling to express his emotions, and this ordeal had only intensified his emotional turmoil.

Adharv's discovery regarding the Metalife van and its affiliation with the hospital sent shivers down his spine. The pieces of the puzzle were beginning to come together, but they formed a disturbing picture. He decided to follow the van, hoping to gather more information.

As he trailed the van to the back of the hospital, Adharv's suspicions deepened. He observed what seemed to be a body covered in white sheets being transferred from the hospital to the vehicle. By the time he arrived at the scene, the van had already departed. Adharv approached one of the workers nearby and, understanding the man's financial struggles, offered him a bribe for information.

The worker, tempted by the offered money, agreed to share details but emphasized the condition that he should not face any repercussions. Adharv inquired about the hospital's connection with Metalife, and the worker disclosed that there was an agreement in place wherein the hospital provided dead bodies to Metalife.

Adharv's suspicions intensified further. He believed that Metalife might be involved in covering up Jewelz's death. Seeking confirmation, Adharv requested the worker's assistance in checking if a corpse by the name of Jewelz was in the hospital's mortuary, offering a substantial sum of money as an incentive. The worker initially hesitated but ultimately agreed due to the significant amount offered.

After a brief wait, the worker emerged and delivered shocking news—no one named Jewelz had been brought to the hospital's mortuary. Adharv was taken aback, realizing that something was deeply amiss with the hospital's management. This private hospital appeared to be involved in illicit activities, driven by greed for money.

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