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"Sasha!!!!" Felix woke up, grappling with the same nightmare that had haunted him for the past nine years. Sweating and breathing heavily, he moved out of bed and took a bath. Like every day, he looked in the mirror, observing the scar on his face that cut through his left eye, a painful reminder of the day he lost the woman he cared for.

His boss called, but he didn't answer, opting to put his phone in silent mode and sit on his bed. However, his boss persisted in calling. Felix wasn't in the mood to answer the call.

After retiring from the US military, Felix was hired by a millionaire named Selenski, who ran private security forces. Selenski offered Felix a substantial amount that he couldn't refuse.

Wearing only a wet towel, Felix sat on the bed, staring at the photo frame of a women which was on the table.

Half an hour after the call, a car arrived in front of his house. Felix noticed it, but the driver knocked twice on his door. Ignoring it, Felix stayed in his room. The persistent doorbell finally led Felix to decide to open the door, realizing the driver wouldn't leave until he answered.

Felix stood up from the bed and put on trousers. He opened the door, and the driver stated that he was sent by Mr. Selenski to fetch him. Felix, being on leave, asked the guy to leave. The driver immediately called Mr. Selenski and handed his phone over to Felix.

Hesitating, Felix took the phone, and the driver put it on speaker mode.

"I want you in my office immediately as possible," Mr. Selenski said. The call immediately ended after that.

The driver asked Felix what he should do. In a fit of rage, Felix threw the phone, went back inside his room, and sat on the bed, staring at the photo frame. A few minutes later, Felix opened his wardrobe, took a random shirt, and wore it. He stared at himself in the mirror.

Each time he looked himself at the mirror, he could see the photo frame's reflection. Felix remembered that day, the day he wanted to forget. Sudden flashes of his memory about that chaotic city with numerous dead bodies, the screams of women and children, burned alive, and blood all over the roads.

In agony, Felix broke the mirror with his fist, causing it to bleed. He locked his house, moved out to the streets, and got a cab. The driver followed Felix.

As he reached his workplace, Felix went to meet his boss, Selenski. He entered his cabin with his bleeding fist. Selenski got fired up as he saw Felix and yelled at him for not answering his calls. Felix, not in a good mood, sat before him, questioning the reason for being summoned on an off-duty day, especially today.

Seeing Felix's bleeding fist, Selenski's anger subsided as he didn't want Felix to escalate.

Selenski got to the point—there's a job in India, and he needs Felix to do it.

Felix immediately refused the offer, stating he wouldn't accept any job in India, even if Mr. Selenski offered him a high fortune. However, when Felix was about to leave, Mr. Selenski said something that caught Felix's attention.

"The job has something to do with A.E.," Selenski revealed.

Intrigued, Felix sat back down, wanting to know more about this job in India.

Selenski didn't know many details about the job. The only thing he knew was that it had something to do with Project A.E. The rest of the details would be given to those skilled men of Selenski who were adept at hunting and slaughter.

Upon hearing the words "Project A.E.," Felix agreed immediately.

Selenski was happy and informed Felix that he needed to leave with his men tonight.

Felix left the place after getting his fist treated. He hailed a cab from the road and went to a graveyard behind a church.

Upon reaching, he visited the grave of the woman he cared for, Martha.

"In loving memory of Martha, 1986-2017."

Felix stood before her grave silently for almost an hour, with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes, he read what was written on her grave: "Forget everything, keep smiling as long as I am with you." Felix's eyes filled with tears as he read those words.

Felix said, "I don't know why you would hide something from me, but I think I got a lead to find out why you left me."

He took a lollipop from his pocket, placed it on her grave, and felt like saying, "The next time we meet, I think I will be able to see this world just like you did."

Felix reached his house, quickly packed what he needed in a bag, and left immediately to join his crew, who were waiting for their captain at the airfield.

By the time Felix reached his destination, his crew members had already buckled up in their transport. Mr. Selenski was waiting for Felix, quite unhappy because he was late. However, it didn't matter as Felix took on the job, which was perfect for him. Selenski informed Felix that someone would pick them up from the airport, and soon they would meet a man named Theodore, who would guide them.

Felix entered the air transport and buckled in. Mr. Selenski stood there and watched it take off.

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