0.2 - Diner Time

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Evelyn's POV

I was headed to work after another treacherous day at school. Thank God it's the last day of school. The Cullens (well more like Alice and Edward) will not stop bugging me about telling them what I am. I'm so glad that I work in La Push because they can't come over here and bother me for the rest of the day.

As I pull in the diner, I notice that it's packed which is not unusual for a Friday. Joy is a wonderful cook and it's considered one of the hangout spots for all the teens. It gives off that 50's vibe and I absolutely love it. She even has a jukebox in the corner that still works and is constantly used. It's very popular among the adults. I asked Joy one day why she never upgrades the diner and she said that she can never get rid of something that has that being at home feeling. Besides, we don't hear anybody complaining about how out of date it looks. As long as people keep coming and this place stays up and running, then she is okay with the 50s theme.

When I rush in to get ready for the shift, I realize that Joy was short a couple of people. As I finally get behind the counter to help, I talk to Joy.

"Why didn't you tell me you were short staffed Joy?" I asked as I gave the customer their change.

"Because you need to be in school Dodie so you can graduate. I don't need you skipping," Joy says.

I love how she was looking out for me and I'm happy that she is like a mother to me since I never considered Renee as mine, but I don't say anything else until everything has settled down.

Once everyone has started to leave, I looked at the clock and there was only 2 hours left until closing time. I was helping Joy clean up a little bit and decided to finish that conversation from earlier.

"Joy? I know you don't want me to skip school, but today was my last day of my Junior year. Me missing just to help you is not going to hurt my grades or me graduating high school," I said.

Joy stops sweeping, looks at me and says, "I know sweet pea, but I want what's best for you. I also want you to go out and have fun. Be a teenager. I don't want you to look back and regret not doing the things that people your age should be experiencing."

"But Joy -" I say before she cuts me off.

"No buts. People come and go here at the diner looking for a job. I always have help and the diner is still standing. I'll be okay and so will Quil. We've gotten this far and I believe that we can continue to make it."

"Okay. If you insist, but please contact me next time if you are short staffed. I don't care what I'm doing or where I'm at. I'll drop everything and come help you. You're only human and don't need to be this overwhelmed. I may be a witch, but I have to act human and even I felt overwhelmed today by this many people," I told her.

Joy just laughs and says, "I promise to contact you next time."

I just nod my head and we get back to cleaning. Shortly after we get back to cleaning, I hear the door chime and I look up to see Sam Uley. I smile real big because he is like a big brother to me and is always there for me when I need him.

"Hi Sam! Whatcha doing here? You never come in this late."

"I just got off patrol and need to get some food for me, Jared and Paul."

"Paul finally shifted?"

"Yep. Last week. Wasn't too happy that he had to cut off his ties with Embry, Quil and Jacob, but it was for the best and finally understands why he had to do it."

"Ya. Hopefully the rest of them will shift in due time. I'll go ahead and get your food so you can get out of here." Sam goes to pay for it, but I just told him it's on the house since he is always helping Joy with any and all repairs that needs done to the diner. Sam and I chat some more until his food gets done cooking. He insists that I come out to Emily's someday to meet Paul and Jared since I haven't met them yet. We say our goodbyes after I give him his food and I lock up for the night. I say goodnight to Joy and we go our seperate ways. I make it home and see that dad is asleep in the recliner. Instead of waking him up, I grab a blanket and put it over him and turn off the tv. I then trek upstairs and fall face first onto the bed, too tired to undress and get a shower.

I fall into a dreamless sleep.

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