Chapter 2: Crossing the Treaty & Bella's Back

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Kim and Stiles were not happy when I told everyone that we didn't find out the gender because we wanted it to be a surprise. Since we didn't find out the gender, everyone has been offering up ideas on what the name should be. There was several that we like, but for some reason they just didn't feel right. I finally just told them that it'll come to us once they baby is born. Here in about an hour, the guys and Leah are heading out to try and catch the red head that keeps trespassing while the rest of us are going to be at Emily's waiting for them. Jacob is not happy that Edward is not going to be there. He thinks that he took Bella out of town to change her. He really needs to get it through his thick skull that he didn't imprint on Bella and needs to move on. Also, he still hasn't given an apology from his unnecessary outburst the other day. Who the hell does he think he is thinking that I would cheat on Paul Inconsiderate bastard. When Paul and I got to Emily's house, the first thing that Emily handed me was a plate of fruit with peanut butter on one side of the plate and sugar on the other. This woman knows me so well. I sat down at the table, but instead of sitting the plate on it, I see if it will balance of my stomach instead because I can't scoot up completely anymore. Stiles thought it was hilarious and Paul just shook his head because this is nearly an everyday thing with me now. I was about to be done eating my food when Sam finally made the announement.

"It's time to go." All the imprints got a kiss goodbye before they walked out the door.

"All of you be careful and hope you finally catch her," I tell them. A couple of hours later, Paul comes storming through the door with the guys walking in after him.

"THOSE STUPID LEECHES! ALMOST HAD HER! I'M GONNA - " He was cut off in the middle of his rant when he looked over at me and I was giving him a look with a quirked eyebrow and then pointed at the door. He knew what I was saying without saying it. He gave a huff, turned around and walked out the door, took a breath and then came back in slowly this time mumbling under his breath.

"Much better," I say. "Now, what is the problem dear?" I asked calmly, but in a stern voice. He took the hint as to know not to get loud with me.

"That bloodsucker that called was right. The red head ran along the treaty line jumping back and forth. She figured out that they couldn't cross over unto the reservation so she made it into a game. We almost had her UNTIL THAT STUPID -" I cut him off and gave him a point look. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing again. The guys was shocked that I could calm him down so quick, but also found a little humor in it. "We almost had her until that stupid leech that's really big tried to cross the treaty onto our land. I encountered him, pushed him back before he could land on the ground and growled at him. He had the AUDACITY..... He had the audacity to be pissed off at me because I snapped at him and tried to take a bite. It made us lose track of the red head and she got away." He finished speaking and then sat down at the table with a loud grunt. I knew how he felt because they have been chasing this red head for awhile and they can't catch her and it's wearing them out. We all just want this to be over with so we can get on with our lives. So to make him better I get up from where I'm sitting and walk over to him to give him a kiss.

"You'll catch her. I know you will. I'm proud of all of you guys for trying so hard to catch her and never giving up. If the pack wasn't here, then there wouldn't be a rez anymore. I'm proud of you Paul for protecting the land from the big Cullen even if it costed you on losing the red head. Don't ever be mad about that. You all do what you're meant to do. Kill vampires, protect the land and the people. She'll come back and you'll get her. They always do." With that said, we all talked about any plans just in case she does come back. After talking with everyone and we all starting to go to bed, yes we all are staying at Emily's house tonight, Sam spoke to Jacob.

"Jacob, go see Bella on Monday morning to see if she's been changed and to remind the Cullens what will happen if they try to come onto the land again." He was happy about that and didn't have a problem with putting a vampire in their place. A few of us stayed up for a few more hours watching a movie before going to bed, waiting for what this world is going to be bringing us.


Today is Monday and Jacob has left to go see Bella at school. If she's at school, then she's most likely still human because I doubt Edward is going to let a newborn loose. My answers were confirmed when I hear Jacob's bike and Jared yelling that Bella's here too. Leah is pissed because she knows that Bella keeps leading Jacob on and they are all tired of hearing it through his thoughts. They all ran outside and Emily, Stiles, Leah  and I followed after them a few minutes later. "This is Leah Clearwater. Harry's daughter," I hear Jacob say. I could tell Leah was mad that Bella was here and that she is meeting her.

"I'm sorry to hear about you're father," Bella says. How in the hell would she know? She skipped out of town to go save her boyfriend from suicide. She has no idea what Leah and Seth both have been through.

"If you're hear to torment Jacob some more, then feel free to leave," Leah says before walking off. All the guys were just quiet. Looking at the place to where she left and then looking at each other.

"Fun, isn't she?" Jacob asks and Bella didn't say anything. Bella finally saw us three standing and then saw my pregnant belly. Crap. I shouldn't have worn a fitted shirt today.

"You're pregnant?" Bella asks me. I was right all along. She doesn't know because she doesn't pay attention enough to what's around her and also she's constantly around the leeches.

"Last time I checked I have been for the last 5 months," I say. I knew that she was going to find out eventually, but not this soon.

"Why haven't you told me?" I can't believe she asked me that. I didn't have to tell her that. One look at me and you could tell I was pregnant. Besides, I don't have to tell her anything because it's none of her business.

"I've been around you several times at dad's house with a fitted shirt on and you didn't even notice because you are too busy with your bloodsucker." That seems to make her huff, but them she notices the ring on my finger.

"Jake told me you were married, but I didn't actually believe it. I guess he wasn't lying." Really Bella? "Why wasn't I invited?" I could tell that she was trying to stay calm about the whole situation. 

"I tried to invite you to the wedding back in December, but you didn't want to go. You were so depressed about Edward leaving you that you didnt want to come out of your room. You just wanted to sit in a chair and stare out the window, hoping he would come back." She doesn't like the truth, but it had to be said whether she likes it or not.

"I could've been your Maid of Honor," Bella says full of anger because she missed out on that opportunity.

"No thanks. If we were on talking terms, you still wouldn't be the Maid of Honor. That position was only reserved for my closest friend and family, which is not you." She decided to change topic since I knew I was hurting her feelings.

Bella just sigh. "So is your baby going to be a wolf like Paul?"

Before I could say anything, Jacob speaks up making me glare daggers at him. "Or a witch like Dodie." Stiles looked at him wide eyed and some of the other were saying 'oh shit' under their breath.

"You're a witch?!?!" Bella exclaimed. I could see hope and excitement in her eyes. Great. Edward and his family of leeches are going to know now. I have been trying to keep that secret from him because I know they are going to try and use me to their advantage. They are looney if they think I'm going to help them clean up their mess. The red head is not after me. She is after Bella. I didn't kill the red head's mate. Edward did.

I ignored Bella and just glared really hard at Jacob. He knew he just fucked up and how pissed he just made me. " FUCK...... would you tell her OF ALL PEOPLE?!?!?!" Jacob just looks at me all scared. "Now the leeches are going to know, you jackass." The whole pack is glaring at Jacob for what he just told Bella. That was a secret that wasn't his to tell. Now we have a new problem on our hands.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a witch?" Bella keep asking and pestering me about it. I just looked at her with an angry expression and she finally backed off. She knew that if she kept on, then she was going to end up with another broken nose. I had to leave before I do something that would cause harm to the baby.

"Paul, I'm going home. I'll see you later." With that being said, I gave him a kiss and he told me to be careful before I went on my way. What a crazy few days it has been.

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