Chapter 9: Getting Prepared

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When Paul and I woke up again, we were trying to figure out how to tell the pack that we are going to be helping the Cullens with the Volturi. This should be a fun conversation. Once we figured out how to tell the pack, I called Sam and told him to have everyone to meet at Emily's house in an hour. He asked why, but all I told him that I would let him know when we get there.

When we got to Emily's house, everyone was there. Sam finally asked what was going on. Paul and I decided to tell everyone the Stiles way. Just rip off the band-aid.

"We decided to help the Cullens with the Volturi." Welp, that caused an uproar between everyone. It was complete chaos and everyone was shouting over each other. "SILENCE!" Everybody finally got quiet. I proceeded to tell them why and told them the same thing I told Paul at 2AM. They all just looked at each other before Sam finally said something.

"Are you sure you want to do this Dodie? I mean, we are going up against who knows how many bloodsuckers." I understand his concern, but I know what I saw and I was not about to let it come true if we didn't help them.

"I don't want to, but if we want to have a future here in La Push and the people safe, then we got to help." I could tell by the look on everyone's face that they didn't want to help, but also that what I said is true. If we didn't help, that would mean it's the end of La Push. This would've been all for nothing.

"Okay Dodie. We'll help, but that also means we got to let the Cullens back in Forks," Sam said. That made everyone groan.

"Yeah. I know." It was silent for a moment. "I'll make the phone call, but after this whole ordeal is done, then they have to leave again. Understood?" Sam nodded his head and he's going to let the elders know what is going on. While he does that, I'm going to be calling Bella. Yippee fucking doo. I walked out of the room before I dialed her number. She picks up on the third ring.

"Hey, Evelyn."

"We're going to skip the pleasantries. We talked this out and we decided that we are going to help."

"Oh really?! Thank you so - " I cut her off before she could continue.

"I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for the future of the pack and La Push." I heard her sigh on the other end of the phone. "How many witnesses exactly are you getting?" I question because I want to know how many Quileutes we'll be expecting to turn.

"We're getting as many as we can. We are just about to leave to start searching for ones that will help witness. Carlisle has friends all over the world." Fan-fucking-tastic. I let out a heavy sigh.

"When are they coming?"

"Alice says that when the snow sticks to the ground." Great so in two months. I better not miss Ahiga's birthday because of this shit or I'm going to be pissed. He's going to be one. "You know that we're going to have to come back to Forks, right?" I know and I'm not ready for that.

"Yeah, I know. Sam is talking to the council now. I'll text you and let you know when it's okay to come back." Before she could say anything else, I hung up the phone. I walk back to where everyone is at and they can see the frustrated look on my face. Jared is the first one to speak up.

"What's wrong?"

Before I say anything, Sam walks through the door. "I just got off the phone with Bella. We need to be expecting more Quileutes turning." Sam did not like that announcement and asked me why. "She told me that they will be gathering as many witnesses as they possibly could. Who knows how many that will be because apparently Carlisle has friends all over the world. So with more vampires coming here......" Sam spoke up and finished the sentence for me.

"Means more Quileutes are going to be turning." None of the guys looked happy about that. It means that we could possibly be getting 14 and 15 year olds now. Also, the guys are going to be extremely busy helping them reign in their wolf and keep their anger under control.

"How do vampires coming mean more Quileutes turn?" Danny asks. Sam sat there and explained how it was in their nature to turn if there were vampires around. It's in their blood to go after them and kill them before they can start killing people. Jacob then spoke up.

"When it was just the Cullens, there was only 3 that turned, which was Sam, Jared and Paul. When they left, more land had to covered and also a couple more vampires showed up which caused Embry and me to turn. We were able to get one of them, but there was a red head that we had trouble catching who also caused Harry Clearwater to have a heart attack. That then caused Leah, Seth and later on Quil to turn. The harder they are to catch, more wolves turn. That many Quileutes turned with just a few vampires. Imagine how many are going to turn when who knows how many vampires are going to come and step foot in Forks with also the possibility of La Push. Not all of them are animal drinkers like the Cullens." Danny just looked at him shocked and then shivered a little.

"Okay, so like we talked about yesterday, Stiles, me and the wolves are the only ones going to the clearing. Ahiga is staying here with all the imprints and I'm going to put up a shield once we leave. That means make sure that you all have everything you need for when the time comes because once the shield is up, noone can come in or go out of the house. I hate putting everyone on lockdown, but I'm not taking another chance like last time." They all agreed. Once everything was decided and we had a plan in place, we went on about our day, trying not to think about the upcoming battle.

--- 2 MONTHS LATER ---

These past couple of months have been really busy. So many Quileutes have turned, which is causing all the guys and Leah stay busy. By the time they come home, they look like they are dead on their feet and just want to go to bed. We have to force them to eat sometimes or they won't have the strength to continue to help the new shifters. We all finally took a break when Ahiga's birthday came. Thank the heavens we didn't get to miss it. We had it our house and I told everyone that the rules were noone was to speak or bring up what's going to be happening soon. They didn't have a problem with that at all. Ahiga got spoiled with all sorts of gifts from everybody. I tried to tell everyone that he needs mainly clothes, diapers and wipes. Well, it looks like everyone tried to help out where they could, which I'm happy about either way, except for Stiles and Jared. Them two knuckleheads decided to make it a competition to see who could get the best and most toys. Oh heavens. Well, at least I know he is good on toys for awhile.

The day after Ahiga's birthday, Bella called me. She said that they were able to get 18 witnesses and the Volturi will be here in 2 days. (I know in the movie it was after Christmas, but I'm making it before.) I relayed the message to the pack and we got our preparations ready.

On the day before the possible battle, Sam told everyone that it was going to be a relaxing day and that we can go do our own thing. Well, it's too cold to go to the beach and I don't feel like watching any movies. Some of the others felt the same way. Since Sam and Emily wanted alone time, the rest of us got together at my house and did a game night. It was all fun until we started playing Monopoly. Let's just say Jared, Paul, Jacob and Stiles are all sore losers. Embry and Quil just agged everything on, making it worse.
Stiles and Paul thinks Jared is cheating somehow.
Paul thinks Stiles is stealing money from him.
Stiles thinks Jacob is stealing his property.
Jared and Paul thinks Stiles is taking money from the bank. When Stiles tried to object to that, they just called him sticky fingers.
Jared thinks Jacob put houses on his property without paying for them.
Honestly it was giving the rest of us a headache. Before I could try to say anything, Jared had flipped over the Monopoly board and money. That caused an uproar with everyone.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled. They all got quiet quickly. "Jared, you are picking up every piece and I mean every..... piece. Then all four of you are going to apologize for acting like hooligans." They nodded their heads and did what I said. "This is why I don't play Monopoly anymore. It destroys families and relationships." I just sighed. Kim and Danny agreed.

After everyone settled down, we all watched a movie before going to bed. Not ready for tomorrow.

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