Chapter 5: Funerals, New Shifters and Sickness

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Ever since Bella found out about the wolves, she has been constantly at Emily's house with Jacob and is annoying everyone. Even Stiles is getting annoyed and that's saying alot because it takes alot for him to get that way. Several of us tried telling Jacob that she is just using his feelings for her against him so he can do whatever she wants, but he doesn't believe us. I guess he will just have to find out the hard way I guess, especially if the Cullens decided to come back into town. The guys been having to be careful in the woods while chasing after the red head because before Bella found out about the guys, she told dad that she saw really huge wolves after the incident in the meadow with a dark skinned leech. Now he has Harry helping him look for footprints. Harry has been doing the best he can by covering up the paw prints if he sees one. Why can't Bella keep her mouth shut for once?

Emily, Stiles, Kim and I are at my house right now making up food, well more like they are while I have an ice pack on my forehead and laying on the couch. I've been throwing up for the past few days and I haven't told anybody except for Emily. She keeps telling me to take a pregnancy test, but I refuse because I don't want to get my hopes up. Also, Paul and I haven't talked about starting a family because he's been really busy with patrol and trying to catch the red head. I kind of figured I would end up pregnant sooner or later because not only do we have unprotected sex, but ever since I went off on Bella, he's been hornier than I have ever seen him. We probably been on every surface of the house because of how many times he would look at me and get horny. I ain't complaining though. The man knows how to get the job done. He always makes sure that I have wobbly legs and sore by the time we're done because he said (and I quote) 'If you don't feel sore and wobbly by the time I'm done with you, then I'm doing something wrong.' I mean, he's got a point and he proves it every..... single.... time. Emily said that if I threw up again today, then I was taking a test and I agreed. Everything was going okay until Emily's phone started ringing and it's Sam. Harry Clearwater had a heart attack and didn't make it. We stopped making the food and wrapped it up before we headed out. Emily was always there for us when we needed her, now it's our turn. 

When we made it to the Clearwater house, we all gave our condolences. I sat next to Seth trying to comfort him as he was crying. He's only 15 and lost his father due to a vampire being on the land because she wants Bella. Of course it all comes back to Bella. When does it not? Seth got up to go sit next to his mom since he needed her more than he did me. As I was sitting by myself, Stiles came over to me and was telling me how pretty Leah was. Really, Stiles? Can he not wait a few days? Damn! Him and his hormones! "She's really pretty Dodie. Do you think she will go for someone like me?"

"Stiles.... Her father just died and she's trying to grieve. Now is not the time to be hitting on her." He just gave me an appalled look. "What? Don't look at me like that. It's true and I honestly don't know if she will go for someone like you. Everyone has their own preferences." He just stared at me for a few seconds and then agreed that he will wait until everything has settled down. I could feel glares being thrown and I looked around and it was Leah staring at Sam and Emily. I nearly forgot about that little love fiasco that happened. She was getting angrier and I could see her start to shake. I hit Stiles on the arm. "Stiles, go get Sam now. Leah is about to phase." I don't know what he told Sam after finding him, but he looked at Leah and quickly went over to her to take her outside. When Seth saw what was going on, he started to shake. Paul looked at me with a confused expression and I quickly pointed at Seth. When Paul looked at Seth, he realized what was going on and quickly grabbed ahold of Seth and took him outside. I went outside to the back to see if they needed any help, but instead I saw two new wolves. Great! Seth and Leah phased. This should be good. Seth was like a happy puppy and was bouncing around wagging his tail. Leah on the other hand was growling at Sam, Jared and Paul. Since she's in the pack and they can all hear each other's thoughts, they were going to be in Sam's and Leah's own personal hell. I'm glad I'm not a wolf.

"Dodie, can you go get them some clothes so they phase back? Once they get dressed, we are going to Emily's house so we can explain everything." I nodded my head and went inside to get Leah and Seth some clothes. As I was coming back outside with the clothes, Stiles followed me. After Seth and Leah phased back, Seth had a huge smile on his face because he realized the Quileute legends were true. Leah was stomping back to house and was about to pass Stiles until she looked him in the eyes. She froze midstep and just stared at him. Oh my gosh! Leah just imprinted on Stiles. I looked at the guys and while they were happy that they hopefully didn't have to deal with the triangle fiasco, they were also concerned because they didn't know how she was going to take it. This should be good. Hopefully she takes it well. Before I went back in the house, I finally realized that someone from the group is missing. Jacob.


Everyone arrived at Emily's house and just waiting on Sam until my stomach started rolling again. I put my hand on my stomach and nobody seemed to notice except for Emily. Right when Sam walked through the door, I put my hand over my mouth and ran to the bathroom. I made it to the toilet just in time before I started puking everywhere. I heard someone come in and started rubbing my back and hold my hair back. I looked over and it was Emily. "I told the guys that I would come and check on you while they explained the whole wolf and witch thing to Seth and Leah. Paul was hesitant at first, but he agreed because Sam said he needed him there." I just nodded my head. She got up for a minute and left while I stayed sitting there. When she came back, she had a box in her hand and when I looked, it was a pregnancy test. "A deal is a deal Dodie. You said that if you threw up one more time today, then you'll take one." I just nodded my head because I did agree to that. 

"Can you stay in here with me please and not let anyone in?"

"Of course. Whatever you need." I got up on shaky legs and took the pregnancy test. I laid it on the counter and told her that it's gonna be a few minutes before I get my results.

"I'm scared Emily. Paul and I haven't even talked about this yet."

"Everything happens for a reason. Whether that test will be positive or negative, he's gonna support you no matter what. Just sit down and talk with him later."

"It's gonna be kind of hard if Sam has him doing a double shift today."

"You just let me handle Sam, okay?" I just nodded my head. "Okay, it's been 5 minutes. Let's look at it." To say I was nervous would be an understatement of the year. I went over to the test and it read.....


Sorry this one was a little short, but the next chapter will be longer. 

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