Twilight: Chapter 1 - Bella Returns

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Today I go to dad's house to wait for him and Bella. This past week has been filled with distractions. The day that dad told me Bella was coming to Forks was the day I decided to build a Rage Room onto my house.

It helps alot when I need to let out all my anger or if I don't have the time to practice controlling my powers

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It helps alot when I need to let out all my anger or if I don't have the time to practice controlling my powers. All the guys, Kim and Emily love it! It helps the guys get out all of their frustrations and a better chance at not exposing themselves to others. Of course I had to start giving a time limit and schedule because the guys (mainly Jared and Stiles) kept hogging it up. Kim was in it yesterday and let me tell you...... I didn't know how much anger a tiny person could unleash when provoked. Especially by Jared.


Kim just got finished wrecking the rage room and all I could do was stare at her silently until she cooled down. Once she finally calmed down, I asked her what was wrong and she started crying. "Kim, what did Jared do?"

"How did you know it's Jared?"

"Well, one it's Jared and he's a bonehead. Anything he says is always gonna piss at least one person off. Two, when you're this mad, it's always because of something that Jared did."

"You're right."

"Now tell me what Jared did so I know how harsh of a punishment I can tell you to give him."

Kim just laughs at me and says, "You know how when we get our cycles every month, we become bloated and start craving the weirdest things?" I nod my head and internally cringe because I think I have an idea where this is headed. "Well, usually with me it's always back in forth between salty and sweet. This time it was different. This time I was craving both salty and sweet. Yesterday I was eating pickles with peanut butter because that was what I was craving and he looked at me and asked if I was pregnant since that was an odd combo. I told him no and he asked if I was sure because I looked a little bloated and then he poked me in the stomach." I looked at her with my mouth wide open and completely speechless. Jared should know better, that idiot! "I then cried and he said that was another hormone caused by pregnancy. He then started rambling off things that I was going through and only came up with pregnancy. I finally told him to shut up and that it was my period. He felt so bad afterwards, but I haven't spoken to him since. I don't know what to do." I could tell that there was something more she was not telling me so I asked her what else it was. "What do you mean Dodie?"

"I know that there is something more than this whole period thing. You never got this mad over something like this. Besides, I'm a witch and I get a witchy tingly feeling when there is more than what someone is letting on."

"I hate when you're right," Kim says and then laughs. She then looks at me all serious and says, "While I was going through all that, it was our 6 month anniversary since we've been together and he forgot. I know it's probably stupid to celebrate something like that after only 6 months, but I like to enjoy and take advantage of all the small moments."

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