0.3 - End of Summer

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Evelyn's POV

I'm sad that the Summer is coming to an end. I've worked so many hours at the diner, I saved up enough money to buy my own house in La Push. My dad tried to protest at first since I was only 17, but I managed to convince him that it's easier on me to drive to the diner instead of the constant long drive back and forth between Forks and La Push. I also promised him that I would come and cook for him every once in awhile if it made him feel any better and he agreed. He was also worried about my schooling, but I assured him that Forks High School is letting me do my Senior year online since I already have a majority of my credits and only need to take 3 classes. It also helped because I finally got away from the Cullens, who by the way still have not figured out what I am. Hehe. It's been fun keeping them guessing. 


I am walking to my car after school until I'm confronted by Edward Cullen. "What are you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do. You know what we are. I can't read your mind and Alice can't see your future. I know you're not human."

"Since you can't read my mind and Alice can't see my future, does that mean you're not human?" Edward just give me a blank look and realizes that he just gave himself and his family away, but he knew that I already knew about them being vampires. When he wouldn't say anything else, I decided to play into his little game. "Okay. You got me. I'm not human. You really want to know what I am?" I can see Edward getting excited because he thinks I'm about to tell him what I am. "I am a wolf."

Edward's excited expression drops and gets angry. "No you're not. I know what a wolf smells like and you don't smell like one. Stop joking around and be serious."

"Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm a leprechan." Edward just gives me a deadpan look. "Why are you in such a mood?"

"What......Are.......You?" At this point, Edward is seething mad. I swear that if he was human, his face would be red as a tomato and steam coming out of his ears.

"Okay, I'll tell you but I can't say it out loud so come closer." Edward leans in closer. "Closer." Edward leans in closer. "I'm your fairy godmother." I try to hold a serious face, but it doesn't take long and I start busting out laughing. Edward huffs and heads towards his car. I decided to make it more interesting. "Hey Edward!" He stops and turns to look at me. "Bippity boppity boo bitch!" He turns back around and stomps off towards his car. His family looks at me and I did a small finger wave at them while smiling. They all leave and I make my way toward the diner.

*End of Flashback*

I finally met Paul and turns out that I'm his imprint. We met each other at Emily's house a week after Sam came to see me at the diner. I went over to help her cook food for a gathering that was happening that night at the beach. Sam tried to help, but apparently he kept burning the food and accidently set the stove on fire. It is what it is. Sorry Sam! 

I got to know Paul more when I'm not working and he's not on patrol. He practically lives with me now. I told him that he can just crash at my place once he is done with patrol since he is closer to me than Emily's house and his. Plus, he also has another place to go to if he needs to get away from his dad or the pack for a little while. He took advantage of that and I don't mind one bit. I can say that it has been an interesting Summer. 

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