Chapter 3: Renee & Divorces

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Evelyn's POV


The next few days have been driving me crazy. Bella has been calling and texting my phone nonstop. Right now we're all at the pack house hanging out until my phone starts ringing again. I see that it's Bella, but instead of answering I throw my phone to Stiles and tell him to answer it. Before he answers it, I tell him to have fun with it. He just smiles and what he says has all doubling over in laughter.

"Washington's Local Morgue: You slice 'em, we dice'em. How can we help you today?" Bella must've hung up because Stiles took the phone away from his ear, looked at it and said, "How rude?!?! She hung up on me!" He tried to keep a serious face, but it didn't last long and started laughing with us. Before Stiles could lay the phone on the table, it started ringing again but this time Kim took it from him and answered it.

"You've reached the FBI telephone fraud division. How may I help you?" Bella must've hung up again because Kim set the phone down and we all started laughing our heads off again. This was too good. When the phone rang for a 3rd time, I decided to answer it.

"Paul's Whore House, where we got the hoe and you got the dough. How may I help you today?" Everyone kept laughing, even Paul laughed and shrugged his shoulders because we knew his history with girls before he met me. I mean, what else can you do. We are having fun until the guys gotta go on patrol.

"I knew I got the right number Evelyn! Why would you do that to me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. My phone only rang once."

"Who was the other people that answered the phone? Their voices don't sound familiar." Once she said that, I knew she was trying to dig for information. She wasn't going to be getting it from me though that's for sure.

"Like I said, I don't know what you're talking about because this is the first time my phone rang."

"Stop lying to me! Now, tell me where you live so I can come see you and talk."

"First of all, you are not going to know where I live because you will just end up stalking me and I won't be able to get rid of you. Second, we're on the phone talking to each other right now. Just tell me what you gotta say now."

Bella huffed since I wasn't giving in and telling her where I lived. "Look, me and a few friends are going down to La Push beach in about an hour and I want you to come so I can get to know you better."

"Probably not because you are nothing but a spoiled brat and constantly complain at every little thing when you don't get your way. I'm actually surprised you made any friends." After I said that, she started to fake cry and was wondering what she did wrong. I had to remind her that I worked hard for what I got. Nothing was handed to me on a silver platter and that I was grateful for everything that was given to me. No matter what it was.

"I'm grateful too, Dodie."

"First of all, you don't get to call me Dodie. That's only reserved for my close friends and family, which you are not. Second, you are not grateful for what you are given. You were totally lying about how thankful you were when dad got you the truck that he bought off Billy, WHICH HE DIDN'T HAVE TO BY THE WAY! The only reason I got my own jeep was because I worked for it. Dad didn't buy it for me and he didn't help me with it. I got off my butt, got a job, worked extra shifts, worked alot of overtime, saved up money, bought my own car and my own house," I ranted. "Maybe if you got off your spoiled ass and do the same thing, then you'll have a car that you like instead of mooching off of others." It was quiet on the other line and I could hear her crying.

"You don't have to be so hateful toward me."

"Truth hurts, don't it!" I hung up the phone before she could say anything else. I knew that I was going to be getting a call from Renee soon because she tells her everything that happens. Only thing is that she likes to spin the story around to make it seem like she is the victim and everyone else is the bad guy. After I hung up the phone, I could see everyone staring at me and smiling. "Why are you all staring at me?" They all thought it was funny that I put Bella in her place because she needed a wakeup call. Again, my witchy tingle is back and I have a feeling that wakeup call only went in one ear and out the other. As everyone kept talking about the phone call, Paul came over to me and whispered in my ear.

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