Chapter 6: Council Meeting & Bella Turning

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We made it back to Emily's house where Sue was waiting for us. As I was getting Ahiga out of the car, the guys and Leah was coming out of the woods and Paul was running toward me. He hugged me and Ahiga, glad that our family is together again.

"Paul, as much as I love that we are reunited with Ahiga, I got to give him to Sue so she can look him over." He did a low growl, not liking the fact that he wasn't going to be around us again. He's still in protective dad mode. "I know you don't want to be away from him anymore, but we got to make sure they didn't do anything to him. I know you trust Sue and I do too." He was still growling, but not as bad. "How about this? While Sue checks him out, you can stand by and watch her if that'll make you feel better."He finally stopped growling and nodded his head. "Okay, I'm going to hand him to Sue now. Just follow her. I'll be right behind you." He said okay and with that said I handed him to Sue and she took him in the house. Paul right on her tail.

While almost everyone went in the house, I stayed outside for a few minutes. Stiles, Danny, Kim, Sam and Emily stayed outside with me and I could feel the adrenaline finally wearing off. The whole situation hitting me in the face full force. I started crying and fell to my knees. Emily and Kim tried to comfort me, but honestly, all I wanted was Paul right now. I was still crying when I felt Emily and Kim's arms be replaced by Paul's. That only made me cry harder. Paul picked me up and he started talking to Sam. He asked if we can stay here for the night and Emily said that we could. Paul then took me to the spare bedroom. When he sat me on the bed, I finally was able to calm down a little and look at him.

"Where's Ahiga?" I can't help, but question. After a night like tonight, I want my son in my sights right now.

"He's with Sue and all of the others. She's done looking him over and all is good with him. There is nothing wrong." That was good to hear. I don't think I would've been able to handle it if the leeches did something to him.

"I want him sleeping with us tonight," I say with a firm tone. Paul must've been thinking the same thing because he agreed.

"Oh trust me. He will be. I don't plan on him being out of either of our sights for awhile. Now, you stay in here and I'll go get him. Okay?" I just nodded my head. Paul kissed my forehead and then went to go get Ahiga. While he was getting Ahiga, Emily came in and gave me some of her clothes to change into. By the time I changed and got ready for bed, Paul came back in the room with a sleeping little boy. I smiled at the sight.

"What took you so long?"

"I was talking to Sam and he's going to call the council tomorrow for a meeting. We're all going to tell them what happened tonight and let them decide what would be the best thing to do is." I know what would be the best thing to do and that was to get rid of their existence. I voiced my opinion to Paul and he agreed to what I said, but the council has the final say. Damn it! "Let's go to bed to bed babe." We both laid down and put Ahiga in between us. Paul and I just stared at each other for a few moments before I started tearing up again. "Why are you crying?"

"I was so scared tonight, Paul. When we got that phone call and Kim told us that someone took our baby boy, I thought we were never going to see him again. I felt like I failed him as a mom. Like I couldn't protect him. I'm so glad that I had all of you, especially you to keep me grounded tonight or I probably would've torn Forks apart trying to find him. I love you so much." More tears went running down my face. Paul reached over and wiped the tears away.

"Ahiga is so loved by us and the entire pack. We would never let anything happen to him. You are a wonderful mother to him and never think for one second that you failed him. We never would've thought they would break the treaty because we never had problems out of them before. They always obeyed the rules that the ancestors set in place. Emily can't stop saying sorry and thinks that you won't let Ahiga stay over here ever again. She loves that little boy so much and the guilt she feels about all this is driving her crazy."

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