Chapter 5: Kidnapped

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Paul and I just dropped off Ahiga at Emily's house and was on our way to some unknown location because he will not tell me where we are going. We are driving until we pull up to the beach. 

"The beach?" I ask Paul, and he just looks at me and smiles. 

"I have a surprise. Come on." He then gets out of the car, comes to my side, and opens my door for me. 

"Why thank you, kind sir," I try to say in an English accent. He laughed and then went to the back to get a picnic basket. 

When he got back to me, he held out his arm and said, "My lady? Shall we?" He even attempted the English accent.

"We shall." We then continued to walk to the beach, and we got to a spot that was beautifully set up. We talked for a couple of hours and maybe had a little make-out session here and there. We got up and started to pick up our things before heading to the house until I got a phone call. It's Emily. "Hello?" All I hear is a jumbled mess and can't make out what she is trying to say. Paul is giving me a concerned look. "Emily, you got to calm down. I can't understand a word you are saying." I hear shuffling on the phone, and it's Kim. What Kim says next makes my heart drop, and my blood runs cold. 

"The guys and Leah got a whiff of vampires on the reservation, so they went to go after them. They didn't say anything to Paul because they wanted him to enjoy date night with you. Emily went to go check on Ahiga because he started whining, and when she got in there, a vampire was in there holding him. He looked right at Emily and then left out the window. We think it was a distraction, so the others wouldn't be here while one came in and got Ahiga." I was speechless, frozen on the spot, and couldn't think straight. I can hear Kim and Paul both calling my name, but I can't answer them. Paul took the phone from me and told Kim that we were on our way. After hanging up the phone, Paul looked at me and called my name a few more times before I snapped out of it. I looked at Paul and started tearing up. How is he so calm about this? I thought he would be the one phasing out in this whole mess. I'm glad he's calm because someone's got to be. 

"He's gone, Paul. A leech got him." After saying that, it finally clicks in my head, and anger takes over. I think I know who did it, but I got to get to the room he was in to confirm it. We got to the car and just threw everything in the back seat. Before Paul could get in, I told him to shift. 


"We'll make it there faster while you're wolf. I'll just get on your back and camouflage us as you run. We can come back for the truck later." He agreed and quickly shifted. I got on his back, and he bolted toward Emily's house as fast as he could while I clutched on his fur. Whoever did this is going to pay for kidnapping my son. When we make it back to Emily's, everyone comes running out the door. I hope off of Paul and everyone is screaming at me at once. Kim and Stiles were trying to explain while Emily was trying to apologize. I finally had enough of it.

"SILENCE!" Everybody then got silent. "We will all discuss this later. There are more important things right now. Emily, was it any of the Cullens?" When I asked that question, Paul started growling. 

"I don't know. I've never met them, so I don't know what they look like." I just nodded my head. I need to keep calm and try to have a clear head, or I'm never going to find him. I asked the others if they had seen who it was that was on the reservation, and they told me that they got away before they could. Damn it. Okay. Next option then. 

"Emily, what room was Ahiga sleeping in?" Emily tells me it was the guest room, and I quickly make my way there. I slowly walk in the room and start heightening my senses to detect an aura. Stiles asks me why I needed to be in here, and I told him that every vampire has an aura about them. I can detect it if it's still here. No matter how faint. "I found an aura, but it's still faint." 

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