Chapter 10: The Volturi & The Truth Shall Set You Free

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All the witnesses, Stiles and I are standing in the clearing, waiting for the Volturi to come. I notice the pixie haired vamp and the one that always looks like he's in pain isn't here. Great! Some more cowards. I'm so done with this mess. I just want to go home and have Paul bend me over, take me from behind and fuck me into oblivion. 

The wolves haven't shown up yet. We were waiting until the leeches got here first before they made their appearance. 

I know who the Volturi were, I just didn't know what their powers were. Carlisle was the one that caught me up to date on that. He said that the main leader named Aro can see every thought you've had with just a touch. Then there is Marcus, who has long dark brown and he can sense the relationships between people without speaking or touching them. Finally the last one is blonde and his name is Caius. He doesn't have any powers, but he is considered the most ruthless. He sounds like a blast to be around. I hate that Stiles is here since he's only human. Carlisle said that the Volturi can be unpredictable. 

"The red coats are coming. The red coats are coming," a ragged looking vampire said. I think they said his name is Garrett. Apparently he's been around since the Revolutionary War. I see all these vampires walking our way and it looks like they outnumber us by alot. Way to go bloodsuckers. If a battle breaks out, I doubt all of us will make it out alive. I knew that they were not going to get close to each other so I did a spell to have enhanced hearing. Gotta keep track of what's going on so I won't be taken by surprise.

"He's looking for Alice," Dickwad said. The Volturi came to a stop when the wolves started howling and came out. Paul and Leah came up to stand next to me and Stiles. I can see that they are staring at me and Stiles. Me with curiosity and Stiles like he's food. Paul and Leah growled at them and I decided to speak up. 

"You better stop looking at him like he's food or we're going to have problems." Caius looked at me with anger on his face. Not liking the way I spoke to them. 

"You look very familiar my dear. Why is that?" Aro said. Well, here goes nothing. 

"You had your Elite Guard track my parents down to expose of them when I was a baby because you were given false information."

"Who were your parents?"

"Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. I found out that my real name is Luna Lovegood." Once I said those names, the vampires on our side gasps and backed away from me while the Volturi just looked at me wide eyed. I see the person, that gave the false information, out of my peripheral vision gulp and look down at the ground.

"They had a child?"

"Yes. Now, I want to know who gave you that false information. I want to know who ripped my parents away from me because they were scared of a couple of witches that just wanted peace."

"We don't know. All we got was a letter stating that your parents were very powerful witches and wanted to overthrow us. They wanted to expose us to the humans."

"Well, you should know that isn't true." A letter? They seriously believed the person that sent a letter? How stupid of them.

"How would we know you are telling the truth?" Cauis asked.

"Aro will be able to see every thought I've ever had, right?" Cauis nodded his head and I looked back at Aro.

"Then I want Aro to read my thoughts." With that said, Aro smiled real big and held out his hand. I started walking and Paul along with Leah and Stiles started walking with me. When I made it to Aro and before I put my hand in his, I told him, "Before I do this, I'm going to put a shield to where you can only see what's happening because I know there is some people here that likes to read minds without permission." He agreed and then I put my hand in his.

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