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Nora's backed ached as she sprawled out across Erin's floor. 

She had ran out of positions to lie in an hour ago and now study seemed impossible. 

"I just can't get my head around it" Erin spoke quietly "The fact that he's gone..forever".

"It's so sad it really is, it is so sad but - what's done is done so let's crack on" Clare said referring to their work. Nora let out a small gasp at her friends words. 

"Well I'm sorry Clare, has his sudden tragic death interrupted your studies" Erin asked as Nora wrapped her arms around her to comfort her. 

"It has a bit, actually" Clare nodded. 

"How can you be so heartless" 

"Don't cry Erin, he's in a better place now" Nora comforted rubbing her friends back. Erin rested her head on her shoulder. 

"Unless he's not" Orla chimed in "you, know.... Cause he's gone to hell" Both girls looked over at her in disbelief. 

"Can we talk about something else? This is wrecking my head." Michelle butted in. 

"What have you been drinking?"

 "Without me?" Nora asked upset. The Quinn girl gave her a death glare as she let out a small apology. 

"Yes, I have." Michelle declared. "And for future reference, if any of you invite me to a study sleepover again and I'm desperate enough to accept that invitation, there's a good chance I have a bottle of Pernod in my bag." 

"I shouldn't even have to sit the exam. On, you know, compassionate grounds."

"He was a dog, Erin!" Clare finally shouted what most of the group was thinking. 

"Toto was more than a dog, Clare!" Erin responded. "He was my best friend!" 

"Christ, I feel a bit boak-y." Michelle groaned, standing up to open the blinds. The group all cringed at the intense light that let in from the window. Nora was so surprised she fell off her spot from on the bed to the floor. She let out a groan, one that the rest of the group ignored more invest on the revelation of the time. 

"Sweet suffering Jesus is it morning already?" Clare let out a panicked yell. "What are we gonna do" 

Nora scrambled up, grabbing the book out of Jame's hands. "We can still read this, it's only.." she began counted how many pages left of the book, which was more than she had expected. 

"It's not going to work Nora, we're still on William of Orange, we haven't even touched the Famine" Clare continued to freak out. 

"Calm the fuck down Clare" Michelle butted in "We've got the gist. They ran out of spuds, everyone was raging" 

"Well I can't tell my rebellions from my risings" James stated, snatching his book back from Nora, trying to get one last read out of it. 

"And who's faults that? If your lot stopped invading us for five fucking minutes, there'd be a lot less to wade through you english prick" 

"What's happening to me?" Clare spoke up, holding her shaking hand in front of her face.

 "There's quite a lot of caffeine in those, Clare" James pointed out 

"How many did you have, love" Nora asked in concern. 

"I don't know. Five? Twenty-three?" James and Nora looked at each other with wide eyes concerned for their friend. 

"We are all so fucked"


Nora sat outside the bathroom waiting for James to finish getting changed. The rest had already gone down for breakfast. The boy exited still adjusting his tie around his neck, almost tripping on the girl sitting on the floor. 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now