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The walk over to Erin's venue had not been as bad as Nora had expected. 

Her and James slowly started to speak up more and soon they were laughing and joking through their conversation. Yeah it was dumb stuff like movies, school drama and jokes but it was the most the two had spoken since they split. 

"I still don't really get the theme" James turned to Nora, taking a break from hanging up the leaves the pair had been making. 

"It's like literary greats, but ..... They're in the jungle" Nora tried to explain, though she herself didn't quite get it. 

"Soooo... should I dress up like a monkey?" James asked 

"I don't know if you're supposed to but I definitely think you should" Nora smiled and the pair laughed. 

James couldn't help but stare at her face as she laughed. He had really missed the two getting to hang out, especially getting to see Nora when she got all happy. 

"Still though, I really think Erin needs this" Nora spoke out loud 

"You think?" James asked 

"Yeah. Between Clare moving away, me moving away soon and all this political stuff" Nora waved her arms around to indicate the large amount of stressors "I just think she's a bit more stressed than the usual amount. This should do her some good" 

"I think you're right" James smiled at the girl "We gotta be there for her in this time, all stick together" 

"What was the face all about" James and Nora turned to hear the conversation Erin and Michelle had begun to have. 

"What face?" Erin asked. 

"Earlier, when Dennis was talking about Niall, you did a face." 

"I didn't do a face."

"You did a face, Erin. You did a face like this." Michelle did a pretty spot on impression of Erin's judgy face. 

"I...would never do that face." Erin wasn't doing a good job convincing Michelle, or anyone in the room. "I couldn't do that face. That face, it isn't even in my repertoire." 

"Oh, it's in your repertoire all right, Erin. I've seen you whip it out over a dozen times, usually when you find something hard to believe." Michelle knew Erin too well. "What was hard to believe, Erin?" 

"It was just when you said that you didn't want to get your hopes up." Erin clarified 

"Yeah?" Michelle dared Erin to continue 

"You don't actually think he should get out, do you?" Erin finally asked. 

"He's my brother." 

"He killed someone."

 Nora could feel herself starting to heat, there is no way this discussion would end without a fight. 

"I know that, Erin."

"I'm not sure we should be talking about this." James spoke up, trying to diffuse the situation. 

"Isn't this exactly what we should be talking about?I mean, we have to vote on it." Erin spoke to the group, her concerns on the state of the world shining through. 

"It wasn't supposed to happen the way it did." Michelle spoke up, avoiding eye contact from the group.

"I'm sure that poor man's family takes great comfort in that." Erin scoffed. 

"These things, they're not black and white, Erin." Michelle spoke finally looking up 

"Aren't they?" 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now