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"What the actual fuck?" 

James, Michelle, Clare, Orla and Erin turned from waiting outsides Sister Micheal's office to see an annoyed looking Nora. 

The group winced, not used to seeing the girl with that kind of expression. 

"Oh hello Nor-" Orla began, only to waved off by the angry girl. 

"I leave you guys for 20 minutes and not only do you ditch me to do the exam on my own-" 

"How'd you go?" James interrupted with a smile, curious how his friend went.

 "...I was actually quite proud of myself, I mean some of the questions were hard but I was still able to-" the girl stopped herself and shook her head, reminding herself to be upset with the group. "No! You guys witnessed a fucking miracle.....without me" 

"I mean we didn't know we were going to witness it before hand" Clare pointed out. 

"That doesn't matter. You were all visited by the holy ghost and I was left out of it" the girl complained, not liking the fact her friends did something without her. Before the rest could speak, sister Micheal called the group into the office. 

Nora found herself a seat at the end of the group towards the door. 

After finishing her phone call, sister Michael briefly left the room. 

"Listen girls, I don't really think beyond the exam or us getting out of doing it. Before this goes any further, there is something I think you all need to know-" 

before Erin could finish what she was saying, what Nora would describe as the hottest priest she had ever seen walked in. Her eyes widened at the sight of the man. 

"Fuck me" 

"I like his shiny hair" Orla whispered. 

"So do I. I really like his shiny hair" Jame nodded in agreement. 

"He really rocks the priest style" Nora stated, still in awe of the man. 

"What were you saying Erin?"Clare asked. 

"Nothing ignore me forget it" 

"Hello children" the man spoke in a voice that seemed to echo in Nora's head.

 "Hello father' 

"Please call me Peter" Nora let out and audible gasp hearing that. 



"Now, this is just going to be a very relaxed, informal chat. And I don't want you to think of me as a priest, think of me as a friend. So, before we begin, do you guys have any questions for me?" The group stared at the priest, still enamoured with him. 

Nora had a million questions she wanted to ask the man but couldn't seem to open her mouth.

"Is that your real eye color or are they contacts?" Erin started. 

"Yes, these are my real eyes. Anyone else?" James raised his hand. 

"Yes, James."

 "Is that a firm hold gel you're using there?" 

"It's a mousse." 

"And where do you-" 

"Hair and Flair." The boy looked in surprise. 

 "Oh! I didn't realise-" 

"They do a men's range, yes." 

"Anyone else?" 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now