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The group stood above Michelle, all giving her sympathetic looks. 

"You know I've never even visited Niall." Michelle finally spoke up. "My ma won't let me. She won't let any of us. She won't even say his name any more." She sighed "He had a son-The man. He had a teenage son. We found that out later." 

"I'm sorry, Michelle." Erin apologised. 

"You weren't wrong." Michelle admitted. "I mean, you weren't right either. There's no answer to any of this, is there?" 

"No...I don't think there is, you know.' Erin admitted 

"D'you wanna get out of here?" James asked. 

"Can we take that wee tiny horse?" Orla asked excitedly only to scold herself instantly "No"

"I could go for some more of those Hors d'oeuvreS" Michelle admitted. 

"We'll get them" Nora instantly offer her and James to do it. 

She gave Michelle a hug "We'll you meet you lot out front". 

James grabbed the Hors d'oeuvres, while Nora followed behind him, just admiring. 

As they made their way to the gate Nora stopped him. "Is everything alright?" He asked, concerned something else had gone wrong that night. 

"No it's just" Nora composed herself "You were right"

 "About?" the boy questioned 

"I probably wouldn't have gone if we were still together" she admitted "I mean breaking up with me was still a major dick move but... I kinda needed it" 

James smiled sadly "I'm glad I could be of service" He began to continue their walk to the exit but Nora grabbed his hand 

"But" she continued and he looked at her confused "There's no backing out now, I'm set on going to Dublin. You don't need to distant yourself anymore" 

James looked at her in awe "Are you sure?" he asked, still worried he could be what holds her back. 

"Get over yourself James" she joked "you don't hold that much power of me"

That statement wasn't as true as Nora hoped it would be, that boy held so much power of her, but she was determined to continue her career as a designer. 

"So does that mean.. Can we..are-" James awkwardly stumbled through his words, but was interrupted by Nora pulling him in for a kiss. 

It was long and gentle and James felt as giddy as he did the first time the pair kissed. 

When they broke apart, James held a dazed expression on his face, wearing one of the widest smiles Nora had ever seen 

"I missed that" he mumbled out and Nora giggled. 

"Come on, the other are waiting for us" Nora spoke, conscious that the group were right outside the gate. 

"Just one more" James asked and Nora smiled kissing him again.

James was in such a lovestruck state, Nora particularly had to guide him out of the gate. She definitely didn't miss this.


"I'm glad Jenny's party was so cracker." Orla admitted. 

The group stood outside by a wall, Nora rested her head on James' shoulder. The group gave Orla a confused look 

"I mean, she had everything, a magician, firework display, karaoke machine, Riverdance, wee horse..."

"Yeah, OK, Orla." Erin spoke upset 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now