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Nora felt sick. 

Orla's plan to drown her sorrows through chocolate had worked, but the girl had overdone it. Somehow Orla kept going, feeling no sickness from the mass amounts of chocolate they had consumed. 

"Maybe we should take a break, find the others" Nora suggested. Orla nodded and began following the girl to the rest of the party, not before quickly grabbing so sweets for the road.

"Enjoy the chocolate fountain Orla?" Michelle asked as the two approached the group 

"Very much so" 

"It's killed me" Nora added, putting some of her weight onto Orla. 

"Holy shit Nora you clean up nice" Michelle eyed the girl, whilst Clare aggressively nodded.

"What?" Erin asked in disbelief "she barely looks like herself, Katya just turned her into her clone" 

Nora frowned slightly, though she did agree it wasn't her usual look she hoped that Erin still may somewhat like the girls clothes. 

"Has anyone seen Artem?" Jenny Joyce came rushing in to ask the group "I untied him for his toilet privileges half an hour ago, now I can't find him" 

"What?" Michelle asked in excitement now searching for the boy who had been let free. "

Look I know this might be shocking but I think Katya is planning on taking James' virginity tonight. I found condoms in her bag, actual condoms" 

"Yeah get it James" Nora spoke up, giving Orla a high five. 

"No not get it" Erin spoke in disgust "we have to stop her". 

Suddenly a familiar tune began to play over the speakers of the party. Orla's eyes widened and Nora began excitedly taping her arm. 


"It's our song girls, it's our song" Clare excitedly let out. 

"I've lost Katya" James approached the group looking concerned "Good" Erin simply stated as Orla pushed the English boy out of the way and they made their way to the dance floor. 

"Let's hit the floor girls" 

As Nora got lost in the music, replicating the dance moves Erin continued to speak "She doesn't love him. She's just using him. She just wants something to do. Well she can't do James. He's not a pastime or a plaything" 

This made Nora look confused. She did agree that James was neither of those things but she didn't understand how him losing his virginity related to that. 

"Ach, Erin, if she wants to ride James, let her ride James. Nobody else is gonna wanna touch the poor fucker" Michelle pointed out. 

"Maybe it's just his time aye, I mean we're all going to lose it some point" 

"Aye" Nora agreed with Clare "I mean I almost lost mine to Liam Healy and it wasn't this big romantic moment" 

"Well maybe it didn't work cause the universe knew it wasn't right" Erin suggested 

"It didn't work out cause cause he couldn't keep it up" Nora said quietly, not really want to expose the boy to anyone who may be listening. 

"Well you've got a fucked up view on love anyway Nora, so I'm not really inclines to get advice from you" and with that Erin left the dance floor leaving a confused Nora.


Nora had had a few drinks and was starting to feel the buzz. As she wandered around the dance floor with Orla she couldn't help about think about Erin's words. 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now