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"We'd like to report a crime." 

Sister Micheal looked unimpressed at the teens in front of her. Seemed like every other day there was some reason or another to why they were standing in her office. "Right." 

"Just now, Jenny Joyce's singing-" Erin began but Sister Micheal interrupted. "Being really, really, REALLY bad at something isn't actually a crime." 

"No, Sister. When we went on that retreat with Father Peter, he asked us to write something about faith." Erin informed the woman while Clare vigorously nodded. 

"Oh, thank Christ I had pneumonia that weekend." Sister Micheal spoke in relief. 

"We wrote that song, Sister. Jenny stole it!" Clare let out. Just then Sister Michael's phone began ringing. As she picked it up Nora turned to the group "It was kinda nice to get to hear our song on the big stage" she was met with some unimpressed looks, causing her to sink back into her shoulders. 

"You may speak." Sister Michael spoke into the phone, though after hearing a response she became a bit more serious. "Oh, no....Of course...Leave it to me." 

"Is everything OK, Sister?" Nora asked the woman, nervous about the seeming seriousness of the phone call. 

"My aunt just died." The woman responded simply. 

 "We're so sorry, Sister." James spoke up with sad eyes. 

"Don't be, girls. She had been ill for a very long time" Sister Micheal informed them "and also she was an absolute arsehole." 

"Well, if there's anything we can do." Erin spoke kindly not realising how seriously Sister Micheal was going to take those words.


"We had plans tonight." Nora spoke sadly as she watched James load the last of their bags into the school van. What had began as a simply kind phrase from Erin had turned into the group now taking a trip down to Donegal. 

"We can turn our jeans into hot pants any day of the week." Michelle spoke up "We're talking about a free house here, Nora, a free house. We're gonna be drinking, dancing and riding."

Nora sighed. It wasn't just the craft she was looking forward to (though she did want to put her designing skills to use) but that night was the night she was going to meet her dad's new girlfriend. 

Well, not meet, but spy on from her bedroom window. Though Cillian would openly talk about this new mystery woman in his life, Nora was yet to be introduced. Cillian insisted it was because he wanted to make sure it was serious before he brought her home, something about Nora getting easily attached to people. 

"Quick question on the old riding front there." Erin spoke up 

"Go on?"

"Who exactly will we be doing that with?" 

"Young, hot farmers. Donegal is coming down with them. Big strapping lads ripped to fuck from all the turf collecting." Michelle spoke excitedly. 

"Oh, don't worry about me." Clare spoke  sarcastically, feeling left out of the plans. "There's actually quite a few lesbians as well, Clare." Michelle scrambled together 

"Lesbian farmers? Really?" Clare asked hopefully. 

"Lesbian farming is actually huge in the Republic. We'll get you sorted, don't worry." Michelle gave her a smile "We'll all be sorted" 

"Well I'd hate to see Nora riding one of those farmers" James tried to joke, wanting to be apart of the conversation. The group looked at him horrified. 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now