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"We lived on the edge back then. We were young, wild, fearless. We didn't play by the rules."

 Nora walked next to Orla, holding the girls hand for comfort, as James filmed the group sneaking through the school. "I'm gonna shove that camera up his hole!" Michelle rolled her eyes. 

"What are we playing at? This is breaking and entering, girls!" Clare panicked. 

"It's not breaking and entering, Clare, the door was open." Erin pointed out. 

"It's... just entering." Nora agreed. 

"I think I'm coming out in a rash!" Clare started to itch. 

Suddenly the group heard the sound of a door closing and a man's voice. 

"Let's go, let" Erin commanded as the group slowly started moving backwards. 

"Hurry up!" 

"Why are we walking backwards?" Erin asked the group noticing how slow they were moving. 

"I'm not sure." James answered. 

"Oi!" A man appeared from out the shadows. "Oh. Hello, girls." The man spoke. 

"What the hell's going on?" A second man entered, stopping when he notice the group. "What are you doing here, girls?" 

"Breaking and entering." Orla answer, though Nora quickly covered her friends mouth with her hand. 

"Netball." Michelle lied. 

"What?!" One of the men questioned. 

"We are here for netball practice." Michelle continued. 

"It's a bit late, isn't it?" The other man asked.

"Christ, would you look at the time?" Michelle spoke acting as if she didn't know how late it was. "Time flies when you're having fun" Nora added, though her voice was shaking. 

"Listen, girls." The man took a step forward. "I'm gonna ask yous something now, and I want yous to give me an honest answer. Is that clear?!"


The cars engine roared as the "repair men" drove off with the school's computers that the group of teens had helped them load. The teens waved at them, big smiles on their faces as the men drove off. 

"They were some really nice fellas" Nora smiled, feeling satisfied that she had done a good deed. 

"And that Hans fella had an arse on him like two boiled eggs." Michelle winked. 

"I hope they're getting overtime." Clare spoke. "Me too." Erin agreed.

"Aye, that was some amount of gear they shifted." Michelle pointed out. 

"It was, wasn't it?" Clare thought for a moment. "They didn't actually say where they were taking it, did they?"


"So...now that I think about it, weren't those computers, like, relatively new?" 

"I think they might have been, yeah." Erin admitted. "Right, so...is it a bit weird that two me we've never seen before just sort of took away a load of really expensive equipment in the middle of the night?" 

Nora could see the panic in Clare's face. "What are you getting at, Clare?" Michelle asked also looking worried. 

 "It's just that...now...on reflection...I'm slightly worried we might have accidentally helped burgle the school." 

Suddenly sirens came blaring through the street as several police vehicles pulled up in front of the group. 

"Sweet merciful Jesus!" 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now