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Nora had never been so panicked in her life. 

Standing in the middle of her friends she was currently looking down at the unconscious body of her boyfriend "Oh my god is he dead?" Nora screeched tears already welling up in her eyes 

"Of course he fucking isn't" Michelle spoke though she didn't look too confident in her words. 

"You knocked him down, Michelle!" Erin spoke angrily at her friend. 

"I wasn't driving! Only James could manage to get himself run over by a stationary fucking van." 

"Do not talk about him like that: he is perfect" Nora defended, still hyperventilating 

"WAS perfect" Orla corrected and Nora let out a cry.

"Jesus he's not dead. He's grand." Michelle tried to convince the crying Nora. 

 "James... James. James... James?" Despite the groups efforts the boy didn't respond 

"Right, well, that's not working!" Erin yelled at Michelle. 

"Let's just get him to the house and we can ring for help." Clare suggested and the group sprung into action. 

Nora grabbed his back, slipping her arms under his arms pulling him into an almost hug. 

"Come on, Michelle." Erin cried to the girl who was holding the drinks. "Oh, right. It's just, I can't carry him and the drinks, so..." 

"Then put the Hooch down and come help carry this beautiful man." Nora yelled before dramatically looking back to James' face as if he was going to magically wake up. 

"Honest to Christ!"


Nora clung onto James as the group approached the house. "OK, so, Sister Michael said the key was under the pot plant." Erin breathed out, struggling under the weight of the english boy. The group turned to the house in front of them to see......well a fuck ton of pot plants. 

"No!" Clare yelled as her and Orla ran to start looking for a key. 

Getting tired, Erin to let go of the boy leaving Nora alone to hold him up. She didn't seem to notice, instead cooing compliments to the boy in hope that would wake him up. 

"Where is it?!" Clare screamed in frustration

"OK, girls, let's work from left to right." Erin directed, though making no movements top move himself. 

"Has he gone a bit blue?" Michelle asked leaning down to inspect her cousin.

"What?" Nora almost dropped the boy as she quickly turned him around to face her. She held his (very handsome) face in her hands as she looked for this so called blue tinge. 

"OK, let's try not to panic." Erin tried to calm down the group. 

"That ship has sailed, Erin. I'm panicking. I'm fucking panicking!" And with that Clare threw a rock through the window of the house. 

"Oh. Found it!" Orla stood there with a smile holding up the key.


Nora dragged her still unconscious boyfriend through the house, messily laying him down on the couch. Instantly she was kneeling by his side, pushing the hair from out his face. 

"I'll call an ambulance." Clare moved to find a phone in the house. "Someone get me some towels, some hot water." Erin listed as she stood above Nora. "Why, is he giving birth?" Michelle scoffed. 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now