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Nora made her way down the pathway of the carriage. 

Seems she had jinxed the ride as there had been a delay with the train and it had stopped moving. The brown haired girl was coming back from the bathroom, thinking of Clare who was still probably freaking out at the station.

As she walked through she saw the man who had stormed off at their earlier fight with Fra. She stopped for a second looking at the man, thinking about apologising to him. 

She looked up ahead to see her group of friends frantically shaking their heads at her, trying to get the girl to slip past the man. Unfortunately this only fuelled her want to talk to the man more. 

She tapped the man on the shoulder "Excuse me sir" he looked at her slightly annoyed "I just wanted to apologise for my friends and I, I hope we weren't too annoying" 

His features softened slightly "It's alright. Just be more aware next time." He spoke calmly. Nora smiled 

"I love your shirt by the way" she added, trying to get extra credit from this man. 

"This old thing, yeah right" the man scoffed, though he smiled slightly. 

What Nora didn't notice was her group of friends all staring at her and the man. 

"Holy shit what do you think they're talking about" Erin asked, nervous of the man's attention somewhat being on their group, specifically the group's "innocent".  

 "I don't fucking know I can't see his face" Michelle complained trying to get a better view, worried for Nora. 

"Why didn't she just listen to us?" James was absolutely freaking out, worried he wasn't going to have a girlfriend left if this guy got his hands on her. 

"You can't tame a wild spirit" Orla spoke as she munched on the packet of salt and vinegar tatyos. 

"Oh shit he's standing up" James whipped his head around from Orla when Michelle spoke to see the man looming over his girlfriend. He may not have looked angry but he sure didn't look happy. 

Without thinking James stood up "Hey!!" he shouted, or at least tried to, causing the two to stare at him. 

Nora gave him a confused look while the man looked mildly annoyed at the boy. 

James silently walked over to Nora, standing slightly in front of her to put distance between her and the man. He tried to seem intimidating but instead held a petrified look on his face. Weirded out by the boys actions Nora decided to speak up 

"Um this is my boyfriend" she smiled up at the man she learnt was named Henry "James this is Henry, he was just showing me his full outfit" she tried to give him a comforting smile 

"Riiiiiiight" the boy spoke, happy to know that the man was getting along with Nora but still terrified of him. "Well we should probably head back to our seats now" James grabbed Nora by the wrist dragging her to their booth 


Nora could feel James tense up as Henry shouted at the pair. Nora noticed her friends quickly scramble, attempting hide what was on the table, which confused her. Henry took a few steps closer to the pair, holding a neutral face (which on him still looked terrifying) and Nora could hear James gulp, his eyes flickering back to the table.

Instead of approaching Henry put a hand on Nora's shoulder looking her in the eyes "You make sure he treats you right, you hear me" he spoke, giving James one last scowl.  And with that his headphones were back on and he was sitting at his seat. 

James let out the breath he was holding and practically collapsed back on the seat. Nora calmly joined him 

"See guys, it's so easy to not have people upset with you. He actually turned out to be a really nice - HOLY SHIT" 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя