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Nora held out safety pins for Sarah as Orla stood in her easter dress above them. 

Nora had come over with the cousins after school to hang out and found helping adjust her dress would be more fun than listening to Erin complain. 

"So what was with you and James today" Orla absentmindedly asked as Sarah pulled on her dress 

"Oh that wee gay friend of yours" Sarah asked and Orla nodded his head. 

"He's not gay" Nora mumbled 

"Why didn't you want him to go to the formal" Orla pressed and Sarah gasped. "Don't tell me your in a fight that's awful.... I need all the details" 

"No that's not it" Nora sighed "Brianna Walsh told me she wanted to ask James to be her date and.. I didn't really want that to happen" 

"Oh, has your Brianna obsession flared up again" Orla asked and Nora blushed, hating every time her friends brought up that period of her life. 

"No I think it's because-" she paused wondering if she was ready to say it out loud "I like James.... in a more than just friends way" she finally admitted. 

Orla smiled and Sarah made a little O with her mouth. "With an english fella, that's unfortunate" Sarah spoke "then again could be romantic"

Nora groaned "It could be if anything were to happen, but it's not. SO my best bet is to try and separate him and Sarah until one of them moves on" 

Before Orla could remind the girl of what James had told her Erin came storming in. 

"Oh, come on, Mammy." the girl pleaded 

 "I don't care if you're going to the prom with John Paul II, Erin. I'm not buying you another frock. End of story." Mary argued back. 

"But, Mammy, you don't understand." Erin whined. 

"There's nothing wrong with your Easter dress."

"There is lots of things wrong with my Easter dress." 

"I mean, it matches Orla's." Mary pointed to Orla who gave a wave.

"That being the main one." Erin mumbled

"Honestly, Erin, I think we'll look so cracker if we both rock in wearing these." she turned to Nora looking for support 

"Right. Well, I don't." 

"Och, Mary, you'd think the wean's been dropped into it. You wouldn't nip it in a bit for her?" Sarah asked "I'd do it myself but sewing plays havoc with my acrylics." 

"Fine." Mary rolled her eyes. 

"I really like this fella, Mammy." Erin spoke with a sincerity Nora had not ever seen on the girl. 

"Well, if he really likes you, it won't matter what you wear." Mary insisted 

"Och, come off it!" 

"Have you a date lined up, Orla?" Sarah asked her daughter 

"I do, aye." she proudly responded. 

"What? With, like, a human?" Erin asked in disbelief 


"How bout you Nora dear?" Mary asked the girl 

"Aye she wants to go with the-" before Sarah could finish what she was saying Nora butted in 

"-the group. Yeah I'm not into the whole date thing so thought I'd go solo" she laughed uncomfortably. She could handle Orla knowing, hell even Sarah, but Erin finding out. The only person she was more scared of discovering her feelings was Michelle. 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now