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"Champagne on arrival" The group sat around James as he read out the description on Jenny's invitation. 

"Real champagne?" Erin asked unconvinced 

"Hors d'oeuvres." 

"Is that them wee tiny sandwich things?" Michelle asked 

"I think so." James nodded 

"All food is better when it's tiny" Nora smiled from besides James, only to receive a glare from Erin. 

"Bullshit Nora, they wouldn't fill a fucking hole in your tooth." Michelle butted in. 

"Magician, karaoke machine" 

"Pony rides!" Orla added who was also reading the invite and Nora gasped. 

"Caricature artist... Oh, my God." James stopped reading in excitement.

"What?"Erin asked in concern. 

"Riverdance!" James smiled. Nora had to really fight her urge to share his excitement, not wanting to upset Erin any more.

"She's having Riverdance perform at her 18th birthday party?" Erin whined. 

"Why does everyone lose their shit over Riverdance? It's just Irish dancing, only they wave their arms about a bit." Michelle complained. 

"It's not just that Michelle it's an art form" Nora defended, only to remember that she was meant to be playing it down "But like who cares ya know. It's whatever" she gave Erin a weak smile. 

"Giftbags to the value of 20£ .' James continued 

"Seriously?" Michelle asked intrigued, being the last of Erin's friends to be swayed by Jenny's party. 

"A selection of..." 

"Stop reading, James! Jesus Christ, this is practically the Oscars. Our party doesn't stand a chance." Erin spoke dreading the party she was once buzzing about. 

"That's not true, Erin." Nora spoke up and James nodded his head. 

"And you've something that Jenny Joyce doesn't have." Michelle added 


"What? No."

"Yeah, you don't have integrity, Erin." James admitted. 

"Then what do I have?" Erin asked in distress. 

"The Commitment."


"So, I know her nephew, a bit, and it turns out he fancies the whole of me. Story of my life." James gave an unimpressed look at Michelle's words. "And he said he can get her to play your party if I snog him for three minutes and seconds." 

"That's really precise." James spoke suspiciously. 

"It's the length of Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai." 

"Great track." Orla smiled. 

"Oh, the best." Michelle agreed. 

"Oh, my God, Michelle..." Erin turned to the girl a look of utter love in her eyes. "You would do that for me?" 

"That's just the kind of selfless girl I am." 

"Can I have a crisp?" James asked reaching over to Michelle. 

"fuck off!"


"A'right, D Dog?" Michelle yelled to Dennis 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now