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Nora huffed as she pedalled on the bike next to Erin.

 The girl had her guilt about stealing a bike form a child but she also knew when Erin had her mind set on something it was best to stay out of her way. 

The pair pulled up to Jenny's house, Nora took Erin's bike at of her hand to allow the girl to compose herself. As Erin rang the doorbell, Nora took great car putting the bikes to the side, not wanting to damage the bikes the pair had already stolen.

 "Welcome to Jenny Joyce's party. Name, please?" A voice spoke to them through the gate. 

"Erin Quinn. And Nora Kelly" Erin tried to speak as calmly as she could, trying to keep her anger at bay.

"You're not on the list." The voice responded. 

"So we can't come in?" Erin asked outraged. 

She received no answer 

"What a dick" Nora mumbled. "Nonono we've got to get in Nora, we have to" Erin grabbed the girl by the shoulder violently shaking her 

"I know Erin, no need to kill me" Once Erin let go, Nora leaned down to the intercom trying to put on her nicest voice 

"Um hello?" no response "Heloooooo" still it seemed there was no one on the other end. 

"We gotta find another way" Erin was desperate to get into the party. 

"We could climb the fence" Nora joked, though to her horror Erin's face lit up. 

"Your a genius" she smiled as she made her way to the wall. 

"Wait" Nora yelled, and Erin turned to her in shock. "Let me give you a boost, I don't want your suit to get too dirty."

Erin gave her a mile as Nora boosted her up on the wall before climbing up on her on. 

As Erin tried to descent her foot slipped causing the girl to fall flat on her face. Nora winced knowing for sure that had hurt. Before Nora could too lower herself down, the gates began to open. 

"Sorry for the wait. I just had to check with Jenny. Welcome, and enjoy." Nora hoped down, luckily more gracefully than Erin did.

She instantly moved to her blonde friend, checking for any injuries and fixing up her outfit. 

"You've got this" Nor spoke genuinely, giving Erin the confidence she needed to strut into that party. 

"Champagne?" A man held a tray out to the girls which Nora instantly took 

"No! Thank you." Erin rejected, about to strut off before she stopped. "Sorry... Is it real champagne?" 


"Well, if you insist." 

Nora smiled, happy that at least her friend got to do some form of celebrating for her party. 

"Hors d'oeuvre?" The man offered and Nora let out a gasp of excitement. 

"Christ, but these are nice!" Erin spoke as she took a bit of the food 

"So what's the plan?" Nora asked Erin through a mouth of Hors d'oeuvres. 

"You take the upstairs, I'll look around this bottom floor. If you find Michelle bring her to me" Nora barley had time to respond before Erin was off, checking the house for any signs of her 'friends'.

As Nora looked around the upstairs floor she heard the faint noise of an all too familiar voice. 

"I mean, it's based on a true story! I mean, how have you never seen it, Thomas? How, Thomas? How?" 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now