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"The writing competition?" 

Clare asked, catching on to Erin's idea. 

"Exactly." Erin nodded, already reading through some of the entries. "There's bound to be something in here we can steal. We can just steal something, and we'll just steal someone's idea, and we'll pass it off as our own." 

"Journalistic integrity at its finest" James scoffed, disappointed in his friends actions.

"Erin, love maybe we shouldn't do this it doesn't seem too nice" Nora spoke up. 

"Searching for myself? What a load of balls." Michelle snorted obviously not holding the same guilt that Nora did. 

"Oh my god" Erin breathed out as she read a specific entry. Michelle leaned over and read the title aloud 

"Suffocation: The secret life of a gay teenager" 

"It's anonymous" Erin pointed out causing the whole group to turn and look at James. 

"It wasn't me" 

"No look at this hand-writing, this was written by a girl" 

The group slightly shifted their gaze to the brunette standing next to James.

"Guys it's not me" Nora insisted, still confused on why her friends would think she was anything but straight "besides, I submitted another anonymous essay" 

"Really, what's it about then?" Michelle asked, trying to get to the bottom of this gay teen. 

"It's anonymous Michelle, which means you guys will never work out which one is-"

 "Abandoned: a guide to living without your father's love" Orla read out loud the essay in front of her. 

Nora went quiet, not wanting to confirm that the Essay in Orla's hand was in fact hers.

"Nora's daddy issue's aside, we have more to focus on. There is a real life lesbian at our school"


Nora stood outside the school holding up a copy of the newspaper they had printed along with the rest of her group - minus Clare. 

Nora was filled with guilt, not only were they going against what sister Micheal had told them, but Clare was not joining in with the group which made her question the ethics of what was going on. 

"We will not be censored" Erin yelled out, obviously not feeling the same guilt that Nora had. 

"Lesbians really do exist" Orla joined in. 

"I support gays. Even though, I myself am not actually gay" James shouted 

"Same" Nora simply spoke, not holding the same energy for things like this. 

"Are you alright?" James leaned down and asked her, worry painting his face. 

"Yeah, it's just-" 

"You coward" the two were interrupted by Erin yelling at Clare, causing Nora to roll her eyes and make her way into the school building. 

Soon enough James and Michelle caught up with her. "Isn't this mad? It's all anyone is talking about" Michelle smiled at the two. 

"Yeah great" Nora spoke sarcastically. 

"What's got you knickers in a knot" Michelle questioned. 

"Don't you guys feel a bit...shitty for doing this. Is it really our right to put this girl in the lime light?" Nora asked. 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now