Chapter 2

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"Are you saying you don't like usa-Chan?" Honey asked and I wanted to hug him but restrained myself from doing so.

"Well I guess he is kind of cute." Haruhi said taking usa- Chan. Honeys eyes lit up as he went to his table giggling.

"he is adorable." I said and kyoya and haruhi looked at me.

"So your type is the lolli boy." Kyoya said. 

"Not even close." Haruhi said for me.

"Then what is?" Kyoya asked her. "Well-ow" I stepped on her foot and gave her a look. "Never mind." She mumbled.


There's a word to describe people like him....What was it.....pain in the's a specific word.

Oh yeah.

"Obnoxious." Haruhi and me said at the same time as we glanced at each other.

Tamaki went cold as he sulked in a corner. The twins laughed before coming over to us.

I walked away as haruhi started to apologize. Tamaki was up and at it again in no time.

"Hey wait!" Haruhi yelled out as the twins grabbed onto each arm.

Well this should be interesting.


"You look good." I told her as I looked haruhi up and down. She was now in a boys uniform with her hair cut and contacts in instead of glasses.


Haruhi was talking about are mom and I turned away from them. I was sitting in the spot I normally am as I look up and blink a couple times to clear the tears from my eyes that wanted to fall.

"Uh can we request you tomorrow?" One of the girls asked.

"Of course ladies !" Haruhi said smiling making the girls swoon. I tried not to laugh at the thought of them figuring out that she was a  girl


Kyoya held me back as haruhi went ahead of me to go to the pond as her bag was in there.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Why don't you try one of the hosts." Kyoya stated as he looked at his clip board.

"I don't want to try one of the hosts. I have more important things to do with my time. I'm sure you'll come across more people who don't want to come to your club." I said and looked out the window to see tamaki helping my sister. "What exactly is it you want?" I asked kyoya before looking at him. "What could you possibly gain from me picking a host?" I asked.

"Like you said there will be some who do not want to come to are club, so there fore I should make them want to come." He said.

"So if I said I was going to sit next to you. What are you going to do? Flirt with me?" I asked. "It would be awkward. I'm not going to swoon at your words."

"What about my actions?" He asked pushing me against the wall and pressing his body against mine. He was studying my reaction.

"You must be very desperate." I told him not breaking eye contact. "But no. Your action do not effect me." I said and he pulled away. "But nice try." I said and started walking away. "And if that's your way of sucks." I called out over my shoulder.

Kyoya fixed his glasses before walking away. 


"Did you see tamaki's face when he figured out you were a girl?" I asked as I smiled slightly. I leaned back on are shared fold up bed. 

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