chapter 9

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It was the end of the ball and we were all in the music room. Tamaki was sitting in a corner mopping about how haruhi kissed a girl and that his other daughter (me) was glaring at him.

And I was.

It was his fault.

It's all tamaki's fault.

This is why we can't have nice things.


And the worse thing is, is that he actually does act like my father.And I have to keep important things away from him too. And pointy stuff, but that's another story for another time.

"Would you stop glaring at tamaki he's starting to grow mushrooms." Haruhi whispered to me and I huffed turning away from tamaki. The only good thing about this situation right now was that I was finally out of that dress.

"Want to eat cake with me?!" Honey said out of no where. He just kind of magically appeared in my arms.

"No thank you. I'm not a big one on cake." I said. In fact. The only kind of cake I like is cheesecake, and that's about it. "Plus it's a little late at night." I added put honey never got off my lap.

"Then what about tea?" He asked with that adorable little look on his face.

..... He wants something.

I know the puppy dog eyes when I see them....

"Fine." I let the words slip right out of my mouth and I feel like this was going to be a big mistake.

"Great!" He said happily. Jumping out of my arms he grabbed my hand and started pulling to his area. "Come on Takashi!"


He took my hammer.

I really wasn't that upset about it anymore. If anything it made me laugh when I thought about it. Of course if he did it again then it will be getting annoying and I will never do a school project with him again.

Where is he anyways

"Hn." There he is, I thought and turned to see him walking our way.

"Come on Takashi let's have some tea!" Honey said excitedly. But I think that is just his voice.

It was dark out side and I could see the stars dancing in the sky through the big Windows of the music room. I knew me and haruhi would need to head back again soon. Plus kaoru handed me a cell phone randomly yesterday when I was walking with haruhi to the front of the school after club activities. I shrugged it off and just placed it in my pocket. Haruhi had tried to give it back but they refused.

But I guess that is just the twins.

And if you think about it. It wasn't really something they gave us out of the kindness of their hearts. They clearly had plans for us in the future. And that was cleared up when I saw those two's contact information already punched in.

"Thank you." I said sipping the tea set down in front of me and accidentally burned my tongue. I placed the cup down and picked up one of the ice cubes sitting in a little bowl and popped it in my mouth.

"You alright Ai-chan?" Honey asked tilting his head to the while looking at me concerned.

"Mhm." I hummed sucking on the ice. It still hurt. It's kind of like stubbing your finger. The feeling doesn't go away for a while and the pain only comes back when you touch it or think about it.

I felt someone touch my chin and lift it until my eyes met mori's.

"I'm fine." I said this time. He didn't listen to me and moved his hand on my chin to open my mouth. His other hand came out of no where and placed another ice cube in my mouth.

"You burnt your tongue." Mori stated in a way that made me think he thought it was his fault.

"It's my fault I drank it to quickly." I said turning my head away from him. "Thanks." I mumbled lowly enough for him to still hear me. He nodded his head and opened my mouth placing another ice cube in my mouth. "I'm fine." I sighed taking his hand away and crewed on some of the ice. I looked into his deep grey eyes and I didn't want to look away. I was like a zebra being hunted by a cheetah. One wrong move and he would pounce and the chase would begin. But the scary part about this is that I really wouldn't mind the chase. Or being caught in the end. As long as I got to look into those deep grey eyes I was content.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when haruhi decided to lay on me. She sighed and just decided to take a nap right in my lap.

"Want some tea?" I asked her and she shrugged her shoulders. "Ok."

"Ajdjkdbee anachronisms ajdbe." Haruhi muttered and rolled onto her back laying her head on my shoulder.

"Sure we can head home."

"Sheind Durbin in sjdjbdbd. Dkdbejb tamaki."

"I wouldn't advise it. His funeral might raise your debt." I said and patting her head.

"Hmmmph." Was her reply and I scooped her up my arms and standing up. She reached down and grabbed my tea glass finishing it off and I walked over so she could set it in the right place.

"See you guys tomorrow." I said and the twins Cut in.

"Tomorrows Saturday." They both said and wrapped an arm around me. "But if you really want to see us. That could be arranged." The grinned.

"See you guys Monday." I said and kyoya opened the door for me. I gave him a wink as I passed and he rolled his eyes.

"Good night aika. Haruhi." Kyoya said nodding at us. Well me. Haruhi was asleep

"Night sexy." I smirked and he grinned back.

"Do you need a ride?" Kyoya asked instead of saying something else that I could tell he wanted to say.

"That would be wonderful. Thank you."

"It's no problem. It's on the way to my house any ways." He shrugged and closed the door with the rest of the host still in there talking about something.

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