chapter 25

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"I am not wearing that." I said straight out and looked at the "swim suit" when really all it was, was strings tied together.


If I was married.

That is an entirely different situation.

I would definitely wear that.

That's what you call a honeymoon outfit. Or just something to wear when you're trying to surprise that special someone.

Just sayin.

Another I would wear that in front of my future husband is to see what kind of reaction I would get from him.

Now that would be fun.

I walked over to another swim suit that was a two piece but the top covered my stomach and the bottoms were like a skirt so I didn't have to worry about my thighs.

Don't get me wrong I like my body and if I could lose a few pounds honestly I would. But my body is my body. And if I don't want to show it off its because it's mine and I don't have to.

I left the room and into the water park.

You know I think I've mentioned this. But I love swimming.

I nodded to tamaki as I walked by him. He was obviously waiting for haruhi.


I continued walking over to everyone else. But as I got there I felt two arms wrap around me.

The twins.

"You look cute aika-sempi." Kaoru said from my left.

"Not the one we would pick for you though." Hikaru said smirking on my right.

"But still cute." They said together and I shrugged them off.

"You want to go down the slides with me?" I asked and they looked at me surprised. "What?"

"Nothing." They both said and slightly shook their heads.

"We just didn't think..." Kaoru.

"...You were into...." Hikaru.

" things." They said together and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll ask someone else if you don't want to go with me." Was all I said and started walking to the slides.

"We're coming!" They called out and I chuckled.


When we made it to the top of the slides I grabbed the railing up above and picked my body up only to swing forward and shoot down the funneled slide.

When it got to the end the funnel opened and I could see where I was going.

It wasn't long before I slid out of the slide.

When my butt left the slide I was expecting to just land in water. But to my surprise.

Though I shouldn't really be surprised with the host club around.

I landed in someone's arms. They had arms placed on the upper sides of my torso. Kind of like how parents catch their kid at the end of the slide so they don't go under the water. That's kind of what it reminded me anyways.

And you would never guess who caught me.

Oh wait. I forget. He's the one who always catches me when I fall. Oops I forgot.

Yup you guessed it. Mori.

"Mori." I said calmly and mori slowly set me in the water. My arms were around his neck loosely.


"I can swim. You know that right? You don't have to catch me." I let my arms drop from his neck and stood on my own. Walking. Yes, walking, around him. I made my way to the steps leading out that section of the pool. "Do you want to go down a slide with me?" I asked crossing my arms over my stomach.


"Yes it is then." I said and walked over to get one of the two person toops for mori and me.

I lifted it over my head but it was soon lofted from my grasp. I didn't even try to argue with him. I was having to much fun finally being able to swim for the first time in a very long time.

"Come on." I said and grabbed Mori's free hand out of instinct and pulled him with me up the stairs. When we got to the top I was about to sit in the back but then remembered mori was bigger than me and moved to the front.

We got positioned and I grabbed his legs.


And here we goooo

Time skip.

I walked over to another area. The actual pool area. Though it was more of a wave pool. I looked over to see it was actually a river. I didn't mind either way. The minute my hip was submerged in water I dove under the water and let my stomach touch the bottom of the river/pool all the way across to the other side of the river.

When I got to the other side of the pool I looked up to see someone was swimming above me to my right. I pushed my legs against the floor of the pool making me shoot up to the surface. I was right behind him and reached out grabbing their sides playfully.

"Ai-chan!" Honey giggled flailing his arms. "You're tickling me!" He squealed. I smiled at him.

Time skip.

I decided to hang around kyoya for a little bit as Tamaki and the twins were having a water gun fight.

"Why aren't you in the pool?" I asked Kyoya as he watched everything around him and took notes in his book. "Taking notes on what needs to be changed? I would suggest less animals. Crocodiles? Really? This is supposed to be relaxing. Not terrifying. Also. Work on the control systems for the wave river. If someone were to bump-"

just then Tamaki slipped on banana and hit the control switch making the wave river speed up. Honey was then sucked away down the river.

"This is what I'm talking about. This right here. That would happen if you bumped the control switch." I said sarcastically.

We really can't have nice things with him here can we? I asker my self and watched as Tamaki started flailing his arms frantically.


I guess I have to clean this mess up.

Honey should be fine.

He's smarter than he looks.

He is 18 after all.

And can kick some serious ass.

He'll be fine.


I think I just realized why I don't have very many friends.

Oh well.

They come back.

They always come back.

Okay you can ignore the last two lines. I just felt like righting it.

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