Chapter 47

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"I Have heard so much about you." Dad said while Tamaki was sulking in a corner growing mushrooms.

"So they do talk about us," Kyoya said never put his book down. He was taking notes on something. "Interesting." I heard him mumble.

"Well of course," my dad said and started going off telling stories, i was kind of impressed that he could tell such joyful stories and glare at Tamaki at the same time.

"I'm going to the store." I said and headed for the door. I could feel Haruhi on my heel.

"Do you need me to come with you?" Dad asked but we both shook our heads.

"We're fine," Haruhi said and I nodded along.

"We'll be back soon," I said and glance at Mori for a short second before opening the door and heading out. When we made it down the steps something seemed off. It was quiet, too quiet. I glanced over my shoulder to see if there was anything there, there wasn't. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to walk along side Haruhi.

3rd person pov.

"Why are we following them?" Kaoru asked Ranka who was hiding behind a bush peering over the edge just enough to see where his daughters were.

"Shhh." Ranka said and then started going on about the past how everything started, the death of Aika and Haruhi's mom, them maturing, everything. (I figured you all know about Haruhi's story, so i will mainly focus on telling you Aika's)

The host club and Ranka made their way to the store with our being seen. They weren't really worried about Haruhi noticing they were there, but Aika noticing, she was always the one to turn around when one of them sneezed or stepped wrong and made some kind of noise.

Ranka was currently hiding behind a shelf watching Aika, Tamaki had went over to Haruhi. Mori and Honey were the only ones left to listen about Aika. He was hoping they would really listen. That they could do something.

"She's always been like that. Not as much when their mother was still alive. But she is still very aware about her surroundings. I know that I need to take more responsibility, I am slowly taking control of everything again, but when I try to get involved with them, especially Aika, she always keeps me at arms length. I don't even think she knows she's doing it. Aika has never caused trouble, she's a straight A student and the only people I ever saw her hang around was Haruhi. But I worry for her the most. She's not approachable, she even made a joke saying it kept the week people away. But I know she just needs someone who will stick around long enough to get past the walls she's built. She's so cheerful once you get to know her. There was this time I had come home from work early and saw her dancing around Haruhi. Haruhi was having a bad day and Aika knew exactly what to do to make it better. I don't know if you guys know this, but she once took down three full grown men at the age of 10. I was running a little late to get home and even when i say she doesn't have to come get me, she always does...

In early middle school years Haruhi got pushed down by this older kid. The first time she didn't tell anyone. It was the second time that it happened that i heard about it, and that was only because Aika had punched them right i the nose completely shattering the nose and giving them two black eyes. I don't know how she didn't get suspended but she didn't." Ranka got lost i thought for a little while before coming back.  "Here i am practically calling her a badass, but I also know she's very sad. I've tried comforting her over ad over. She just won't let me get close." Ranka looked over at Mori. "but eve with all my flaws. I am not blind. I see the way she looks at you. I have never seen her look at anyone like that. I have never seen that emotion come from her. And I see the same look in your eyes when you look at Aika." That was the last words Ranka said before walking away. Mori looked over to Honey but he was gone and staring at some cake. Honey was still listening, he just knew his cousin needed some time to think.

Mori looked over a Aika who was tapping her foot to the music playing on through out the speakers. Thinking back to Ranka's words he knew it was true. He knew that Aika was reserved. The first time he saw he walk through the host club doors he knew. But still that didn't stop him from forming a small crush on her, when she was transfered to his grade that small crush turned into love. He was in love with Aika. He had never felt this way before and her never thought he would fall in love. He thought of it as just attraction to another person and once you got to know them you just decided you could live and be around that person for a life time. But when he looked at Aika. His stomach turned into knots and he couldn't imagine living with out her in his life even if it was a minute a day, he felt like he needed her in his life.

Mori walked over to Aika and she gave him a small smile. Mori felt the corner of his mouth twitch upwards.

Aika's pov

I felt Mori's hand brush mine and glanced at him from the corner of my eye. He leaned in towards me close enough to touch only if i moved in a little more.

"I thought you guys would wait at home?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Hn," Mori hummed and I rolled my eyes. I connected the small space between us and laced my fingers with his. I felt his other hand move some of my hair behind my ear. I wasn't used to touching someone,  the only time we ever did anything we were always putting on a show, But here in the store. No one was watching us. I smirked at that thought and tapped his palm 4 times.

"Aika Fujioka. May I have this dance?" He asked just as a slow song came on over the speakers. I smiled at this and placed my empty hand it his.

"That you may, Takashi."


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