Chapter 48

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After everything at the store the host club started to calm down. Tamaki kept looking at Haruhi like she's thee most precious thing in the world most of the time, well more than usual. I feel like my dad has something to do with that. I also think he said something to Mori. Because come on, it wasn't just me who thought he was acting just a little off right? I mean, he asked me to dance in the store. He never does that. Not that I'm minded. I thought it was kind of cute.

Anyways. When we got back from the store we all ate and talked. Well my dad, Tamaki, and the twins talked. The rest of us stayed pretty quiet, besides honey when desert came around.

"Can you please, please, let go of me." I sighed annoyed. I glanced down at my leg to see Tamaki latched on tight. I had gotten close to no sleep last night and I was very tempted to punch him in the face. Why was Tamaki on my leg? well it all started when I went to visit Kyoya and Tamaki, like I said I would every now and then.

"Hey guys." I smiled at them and walked into the room. I was expecting Tamaki to be the first one to attack me but was blissfully surprised to feel Ion's arms around me.

"Oh my gosh, it has been so long." She cheered and held me at arms length to get a better look at me. "I don't go the host club often. BUT, I've heard that you and Mori-sempi? wink wink."

I let out a small chuckle.

"Come on. Is it true? Who am I kidding it much be true. Not only has he been pushing girls away more than normal, but look at you. Who wouldn't fall for this sexy beast called Aika." She aid dramatically and threw her head back. That's when I felt another hand on my shoulder.

"Decided to finally visit us hmm Aika?" I heard Kyoya's voice and turned to see him with a straight face. I looked back over to Ion only to see she had been taken away by her friends. She nodded to me and I nodded back.

"Yeah, well, Tamaki has been looking at me weirdly so I figured this must be what he wanted. It's not like I don't see you all the time at the host club." I said and walked over to Tamaki who was in the corner.

"Well, that's not true. You hang around Mori- sempi and Honey- Sempi most of the time."

"Awe," I mocked. "Do you want me to spend more time with you Watson?" I asked and I could feel his piercing gaze at the side of my head.

"Yes." He said. I was actually surprised to hear this. I didn't realize he liked me enough to actually spend time with me.

"Then all you have to do is ask. You know where I live." I shrugged my shoulders and raised my hands in the air. "Now why is Tamaki in the corner?" I asked pointing at Tamaki.

"He wasn't the first person to hug you. So therefore you must love Ion more then him." Kyoya said in a bored voice.

"Tamaki." I placed a single hand on his back. He only scooted little by little away from me. "Taaaamaki." I said again. I place my hand on his shoulder and this time he didn't scoot away. "You know that when I make a special trip down here to see you, you're supposed to at least give me some attention."

"Ion can give you attention. Cause Ion got to hug you first. So IIIon must be the reason you came here. " Tamaki pouted. I was tempted to tell him to get over it but knew that would only put him in more of a state of depression. He likes attention. But he never really gets noticed by the people he want to notice him. Well that's what I've gathered by watching him.

"Fine, if you don't want a hug I guess I wasted all this time walking here. This is very disappointing you know." Tamaki glanced at me. I knew I would regret the next words out of my mouth. But they were kind of true. "I really did need a hug today." I mumbled but Tamaki heard it loud and clear.

"OH my precious Aika, my dear daughter. Daddy's not mad at you how could I ever be made at you. If you need a hug I will give you a hug. I am sorry for ignoring you for so long. I really do care. YOU are an amazing daughter you can have a hug any time you want you don't even have to explain why!" Tamaki said holding onto me tightly. At first I had let my hands stay at my sides. But I soon raised my arms to wrap around his waist and pull him into a tighter hug. He was surprised by this and held my at arms length kind of how Ion had done. "Kyoya..." Tamaki started and shifted his eyes over to him.

"Yes, Tamaki?" Kyoya asked leaning against his desk and reading the book in his hands.

"Aika needs some extra love!" He turned me around and practically ran me into Kyoya. "Give our daughter a hug." He suggested and placed the puppy dog look on his face. I could hear the entire class room get silent and watch what Kyoya would do. He definitely didn't come across as the hugging type.

But when Kyoya looked up at both of us. He set his book down on the desk, stood up, and walked over to me. carefully, he wrapped his arms around me and stood there awkwardly. I was soon tired of the awkward hug and fully wrapped my arms around him pulling him in tightly like I did for tamaki. Kyoya let a surprised breath but hugged back non the less.

"I have to get back to class." I said and pulled away when I heard the bell ring.

"NO, I want you to stay the entire day!"

And that's the story of how Tamaki got a hold of legs, and why he wont let go.

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