chapter 11

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I woke up when the bell rang but didn't open my eyes. I was kind of confused what was going on. I have never slept through an entire class. And I could still feel mori holding my which was a weird feeling as I don't let most people hold me and the people I do let hold me can't pick me up very easily. Plus I was the one taking care of people. I was the one that held people in my arms and rocked them to sleep while singing to them. But being the one that was held was kind of nice. It wasn't something I would get used to. But just one day would be fine.

I opened my eyes to see we were in the hall way standing in front of the host club doors. It slipped my mind that haruhi said we would be meeting in the host room before heading down to get our physical exams done. Something about tamaki having a plan. Just remembering tamaki had a plan was enough for me to want to go back to bed and not wake up till the after math of this plan has passed.

"Thank you for carrying me. But I think I can walk on my own." I said as kindly as I could muster. Honey let out a giggle and looked up at me while standing next to door ready to open it.

"You're such a cute sleeper Ai-chan." Honey said and I yawned.

"I'm sure the drowl and humming was real cute honey." I said sarcastically. Honey let out a small laugh and grabbed my hand. I looked up at mori to see him already staring at me. "Thanks." I got down from his arms and honey took that chance to pull me into the music room and over to the group of people known as the host club. Haruhi didn't seem to be hear yet. That's when i heard tamaki talking in his corner with everyone gathering around him.

".... me and haruhi are the main characters who fall in love in the end and the rest of you men are the supporting cast." Tamaki said and I rolled my eyes.

"What about Aika sempi?" Hikaru and kaoru asked at the same time. Tamaki seemed to be thinking his answer over and I stayed in ear shot just to hear what he might say.

"She can fall in live with one of you guys as one of the back up romantic dramas that add a little interest to the story." Tamaki said snapping his fingers like he's got it all planned.

"And who would she fall in love with?" Kyoya asked fixing his glasses. He opened his book and wrote down something. Some day I am going to get that little black book. Then I'm going to write little random notes through it. 'You beautiful kyoya, so smile. People are watching' or maybe something like 'You ever get that feeling like you're being watched? Cause if it's bothering you I'll stop'

I turned back to the conversation and had a grin on my face because of my thoughts earlier.

"Hmmm? Good question kyoya. She will fall in love with...."

Haruhi then walked through the door and tamaki stopped talking. Well he didn't stop talking he just simple changed the subject.

"Alright now that we're all here. Let's go men!" Tamaki said and then looked at both haruhi and me. "And women!" Tamaki then headed for the door and everyone followed. Honey climbed onto my back and held his stuffed bunny held to his chest. I was about to walk out of the room when kyoya stopped me by standing in front of me.

"Honey sempi, mori sempi. Here are your costumes." Kyoya said and I looked to see doctor uniforms. Even with those on it is going to be obvious it is them.

Ugh tamaki is so stupid so times. Soon I'm going to be stupid by association to that walnut.. Great.

I stood next to them as they put on their doctor costumes and when they were done we started walking to the room where physical exams would be held. I'm not all that excites to get a physical exam.

"How do we look Ai-chan?" Honey asked and I looked at both of them.

"Handsome as always." I gave him a small smile and he had a big smile on his face.

"Yay!" Honey said and started skipping down the hall leaving mori ans me to walk together. I didn't really mind. The silence was comforting.

I wasn't that tired anymore. Which was a good thing. I think haruhi might be coming down with something. Dad has been acting a little off as well.

When we got to the doors my eyes automatically scanned the room to see where haruhi was. I saw her and when I did she looked back at us only to have a confused look on her face. Kyoya leaned over to explain what was happening.

Time skip.

I can't believe tamaki thought that putting a wig on would trick everyone to think he was haruhi. Idiot.

But I thought I could some how get out of taking my physical exam. But sadly. I was wrong. Turns out kyoya went through my medical history. Not all of it seeing as I have some of it blocked so not even he can get to it. Any ways. Kyoya set it up so haruhi and me went into a back room which was more private.

We didn't have any problems until a guy came in and then the host club came in. I placed my jacket over haruhi and I still had my shirt on. There was this big speech that the host club gave and I was wondering when they were going to let to guy talk to explain he was clearly looking for someone.

Time skip.

Tamaki can just get so emotional. I swear he was in tears by the end of the guys story. Then he had to be dramatic when he said he would help him. Then he had to be even more dramatic when haruhi told him to leave so we could finish our exams.

Well at least I can say there's never a dull moment.

Time skip.

"You look healthy as always haruhi. Just don't over do it and you'll be all good." The nurse said

"Thank you. I'll meet you our side aika. Tamaki wanted to talk with me." Haruhi said to me and I smile and gave her a wave while she walked to the door. When she shut it I turned back to the nurse.

"How back?" I asked.

"Actually. Everything is looking great compared to you last medical examination. You seemed to not be getting enough sleep though. Your response time is a little below. Your body seems to be under a lot of stress. Which can cause some problems. But besides that it seems like you're not going to go blind." The nurse said and I almost started to break down crying at the good news. There had been this problem with my eyes that the doctors couldn't explain. The doctors don't know what it was. So they never tried to treat it. But what ever the problem was just went away one day. There was no more random fuzziness or everything going black. I was cured.

"Thank you." I said standing up and giving her a smile. She smiled back and I headed for the door. "And if kyoya asks. Or anyone for that matter. Don't tell them anything, please." I said looking back at her while leaning against the door.

"Of course." The nurse said and I walked out of the room.

Well that was a relief.

I guess I can go back to my normal life. Or what ever you could call hanging out with the host club in a private school for rich kids.

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