Chapter 6

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I was sitting on the host club room floor leaning against one of the pillars. 


"What are you still doing here aika sempi?" The twins asked as I watched Haruhi dance with that one girl who had been showing up as a regular for haruhi. 

"Haruhi." I said simply and they both nodded their heads.

"Come dance with me Aika!" Honey said as he jumped on me. I didn't have very much time to catch him but made it in time. 

"I don't know how to waltz." I said which was technically a lie seeing as I have a  photographic memory and happened to have picked up a book on different cultural dances. Waltzing was I there it would just take me a moment to locate the information.

"That's ok. It's not really dancing. Just spinning!" Honey said happily and pulled me to my feet with surprisingly strong little arms. 

When I was standing completely I picked honey up and swayed lightly to the  music playing and span around. Honey was giggling and grinning ear to ear.

"Again! Again!" Honey said and I span around again. I started to get dizzy and stopped spinning. I continued to just sway to the music. "Takashi." He called out to mori land he was in front of us as he walked our way. "We should teach Aika how to dance." Honey said with determination.

"Thank you for the offer. but I am fine." I said and honey jumped out of my arms and grabbed my hand pulling me over to Mori. 

"First. You put your hands on takashi's shoulders and he places his on your hips." He instructed and I had to roll my eyes so I wouldn't laugh at how adorable he was right now. I placed my hands on mori's shoulders while he placed his on my hips. When I really thought about it I wasn't that Much shorter than him. I came up to his shoulders, maybe a little higher. "Alright get a little closer to each other." Honey said but I didn't move.

Mori moved forward like honey said and I suddenly felt claustrophobic. I had to tilt my head back to look at him. I lowered my head when we made eye contact.

"Maybe a little closer." Honey said and I backed up. "Silly Ai-chan. that is getting farther away." Honey shook his head.

"Ah!" Haruhi yelled out and I let go of Mori quickly. I turned around to see what the problem was. I then saw Haruhi had fell on top of the other girl. Haruhi seemed very uncomfortable with the situation. I was going to let it slide and let her deal with it. but then of coarse the girl pulled slightly on Haruhi and leaned in to whisper something in her ear.

  I walked over to them and lifted Haruhi off the ground and offered a reluctant hand to the girl on the floor.

"Thank you." She said when she was standing and I nodded my head in response. "Shall we go again?" She asked Haruhi and I sighed inwardly.

"I think it would be best if Aika and me started heading home. it is getting late.. but thank you or all your help." Haruhi said being her charming self.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." The girl said and I held my tongue. I don't like her. I don't know why. I just don't.

"Of coarse." Haruhi said flashing a smile. I grabbed Haruhi's arm and pulled her back slightly when the girl went in for a hug.

"Lets say good bye to the others." I mumbled and pulled on her arm a little more.

"you go ahead ill meet you at the door in a little bit." Haruhi said and I reluctantly nodded my head. I walked over to the twins. "We're heading out." the twins turned from tamaki and each wrapped an arm around me. I tried to pull away from them but the just held tighter. tamaki joined in and I was hoping this would be over soon.

"See you tomorrow!" All three of them said at once and I nodded. they let of me. I walked over to Kyoya.

"bye." I said to Kyoya and he looked up from that book of his. "You want a hug too?" I asked mockingly.  He walked closer to me like he was going to take me up on the offer but pulled away at the last minute. "You could have just said no."

"What's the fun in that?" He asked but I ignored him. "see you tomorrow."

"I don't know. I might just stay home." I smirked and he shook his head. I walked away from him and was suddenly attacked by a little person.

"You're not going to forget to say good bye to us are you Ai-chan?" honey asked and I held onto him so he wouldn't fall. he seemed to have a good grip on me though. it most likely will take me longer to separate him from me if anything.

"Not possible." I said smiling at him.

"What about Takashi? does he get a hug too?" Honey asked with pleading brown eyes.

"That's up to him."

"Takashi wants a hug." Honey said giggling and hopping off me. I looked a Takashi who had a confused look on his face as he watched Honey.

"See you in class then." I said to the both of them and reached my hands around his neck giving him a hug. his response was to pick me up and on instinct I held onto him tighter.

I let go of him and he set me down. I nodded at the both of them while walking away. honey was saying something I couldn't quite hear.

"Lets go." I said to Haruhi and she fallowed after me.

"You're not a hugger." Haruhi stated and I huffed while sending a glare her way saying 'I know'.

OK so I know this wasn't the best chapter. but it has been a while since I have updated this story. so I hope you liked it. please vote and comment and if you have any ideas I would like to hear them. so thanks for reading my story!

Haruhi's sister (mori/oc) (Complete)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt