Chapter 60

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OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY, I was mindin my own business okay? And I was on wattpad thinking, hey. I need to update- you keep writing little by little but never finishing anything, right the point in this... freak out is the thing I saw when I went to my profile. I don't know how long it will stay that way but! Guess who has #5 in Anime? This GIRL!!!! I am so thankful for everyone that likes this story just in general whether you vote vote or not I want to say thank you to all of you. I was so excited I decided, who needs sleep when you suddenly have the urge to write a new chapter for your lovely's. I love and appreciate you guys so much!  Anyways, I'll stop, I'm just excited and for once these past couple months I have the motivation to do something. :) 

So thank you again and here is the chapter :):):):)

I looked over to Haruhi concerned at the scene in front of us... "Should we be doing something to stop this?" I leaned over towards Haruhi talking lowly. 

Haruhi leaned my way, her voice just as low as mine, "apparently this is a thing they do..."

"What? Who said that?" I jerked back looking around the room to see who was even close enough to talk to us. 

"Kyoya." Haruhi looked at me like it was obvious, I mean it was. It's Kyoya. 

Glancing at the two siblings fighting in front of me, I could tell Honey was going to win. My mind flashed back to when Honey took out all of those guards. I don't think one person, even family, could outdo trained police officers with guns. With guns. It helps if they knew how to use them, but still. 

"How long do you think this is going to last?" I asked tilting my head to the side to see them throwing knives. 

"For at least an episode. So about a day or two..." Haruhi sighed looking to the closed doors that led to the hallway. 

"So about a chapter?" I asked to which Haruhi nodded walking over to her spot. 

I was going to go to my spot that was separate from Mori and Honey in hopes to just talk to the girls when I felt Mori standing behind me. Tilting my head back I came upside down face to upside down face. It was an interesting angle, not my favorite, but still interesting. 

"Aika." Mori said in his deep voice leaning forward to place a small kiss on my lips. 

Definitely a weird angle. All I was getting was chin. And ooo, Adam's apple. "Takashi." I smiled up at him, he was glancing towards Honey every now and then but his eyes always came back to me. 



"Are you going to sit with us today?" Mori asked placing another kiss on my forehead. 

"Depends," I mumbled leaning my forehead under his chin. 


"Do I have to stay in this position?" 

"Not particularly."

"Hmm, will I get kisses?" picking up my head I leaned back and he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"Not Particularly." He rested his head on my chin. 

Scoffing I shoved away from him and swatted at his chest when he pulled me closer to him. "That's rude."

"Maybe cause lately you don't want my kisses." Mori said making me stop moving and look up at him.

"You really think that?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. I grabbed the back of his neck pulling his head down so I could place my lips against his. His hands tightened around my hips, so I pulled him closer. When I decided I had gotten my point across I pulled back and ran my fingers through his hair. "I love your kisses."

"hn- mm!" I pulled him in again not letting him finish that damn hn thing. 

I smiled looking up at him.

Mori was watching me carefully and the next words that left his mouth felt like a bucket of cold water was poured over me. "I want you to meet my parents."

sploosh goes the ice water. 

"W-what?" It felt like my eyes were about to pop out of my head from opening so wide. I went to say something else but was cut off by the squeal of fan girls. 

"That's so CUTE!" They all started gushing  and blushing. Some fell over having nose bleeds. 

Suddenly the floor started to shake and I had to hold onto Mori so I wouldn't fall to the floor with the rest of the fan girls. 

Renge was standing on a pillar that was raising from the hole in the ground that I swear wasn't there two seconds ago. 

Laughing her annoying laugh she did a twirl turning to Mori and me. "Well isn't this a twist of events?" She smiles so big I thought her face might split. "Lets find out what happens in the next chapter shall we?"

"But she's not done yet!" Aika yelled pointing to the author in the corner. 

"Oh oh oh, my dear she is. This is a beautiful place to leave off and leave the readers wanting MORE!" Renge started chuckling as her pillar started to descend into the floor again. 

Aika turned to face Mori who was as confused as I was. 


"Role the credits!" Renges voice could be heard in the background

"NO, I am trying to have a conversation-"

"Start the AUTHORS NOTE!"

Who want to take a quiz?

"Sam- shut it!"

I know weird way to end a chapter, I just realized it was getting late and that I need to get up early for my dentist appointment. 

SO anyways

I went back and reread some of my chapters and I'm kind of curious to see who remembers things from this book...

1. When did Mori and Aika finally start getting together?

2. Who made them kiss first?

3. What does Aika have that makes her different from other students?

4. What songs has she sung?

5. What was the common phrase used to describe Mori and Aika?

6. What are the ship names?

7. How did Mori and Aika officially meet?

8. How was I originally spelling Senpai? (lol)

9. When Aika grabbed Mori's 'package' what do you think she grabbed? (I will tell you when I answer the questions in the next chapter.)

10. What does Aika love that Haruhi hates?

11. Who can remember what it means when they tap each other a certain amount of times?

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