Chapter 49

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"Okay, this has been fun. Really. But I need to get back to class before I am late." I said and tried to shake Tamaki off. The teacher then walked in and looked at what was happening. He nodded his head once then walked over to his desk to get things started. Tamaki was a Souh after all.

Damn rich people. I thought and started to drag my leg across the floor to the door. Tamaki clutched on tighter the more I walked. I couldn't believe I actually came back to this classroom. It's Tamaki I should have been expecting something like this.

"Tamaki!" I raised my voice just slightly. "Let. Go." I glared down at him but all he did was hold on tight and smile up at me. It was as though flowers danced around his head. I didn't want to know what was in his head at the moment. He was most likely having one of those odd fantasies of his.

"Hn." I heard and looked over to the door to see Mori standing there.

"Oh thank god." I muttered and scooted closer to him.

"Mori- Senpai! (For the first time in forever I have spelt it right)" Tamaki said enthusiastically, he didn't let go of my leg but he did loosen his grip just a little.

The class was suddenly silent. Completely silent. And I knew why. Over protective lovers. We may be togetherish. I still have to talk to him about that. But the entire school thinks we are official, well most of the school, besides the host club. I didn't even know why Mori was here. I told him I would be back soon, I didn't tell him where I was going or who I was seeing. But here he was. For no reason what so ever. Standing in front of my escape route.

"Mori," I said nodding to him. He tilted his head to the side and he glanced at the rest of the room.

"Aika," He mumbled and took a step closer to me. I was pretty sure all of the students cell phone cameras were pointed at Mori and me. Mori took another step in my direction till  he was standing right in front of me. I felt awkward, this was a bigger crowd then normal.

I leaned up on my tippy toes as much as I could and placed a soft kiss against his lips.

"Are you ready to go to class?" I asked and kept my eyes on him. He was looking at me with that blank look he always seems to give me. It was different from his resting face. It's as though he didn't want me to know what he was thinking. Granted I wouldn't want anyone to know what I was thinking. Most of the time I was thinking about the past, haruhi, the host club, random things that just pop up, or About Mori. Mori seems to be a common theme for my thoughts.

"Hn" he responded and I felt Tamaki finally let go of my leg.

"Here's two passes." The teacher said and handed out two slips of paper. He then went back to preparing the papers for today's class.

"Lets go." I mumbled and made my way for the door by brushing up against mori. I knew he would follow, but I still held onto his arm for support. If one more person was watching me I think I might faint. I don't know why, but when we were being watching out side of host club activities.... it seemed more real. Like this was a live show compared to the movie scenes we rehearsed in the music room.

My steps were fast. My head was down and my eyes found a permanent position angled to the ground.

"Aika," Mori said my name which made my next step falter. But I continued on with my fast pace.

"Yes?" I asked calmly. My eyes stayed on the ground but I did move closer to him so he knew I was listening.

"Are you alright?" He asked. His voice sent chills up my spine and goose bumps on my arms. I loved his voice.

"If i was any more fantastic I would explode." My eyes found him and I gave him a smile so fake I even flinched when it crossed my face.

"Takashi, Aika!" Honey cheered poking his head out of the class room to look at us. I could tell this wasn't the end of the discussion but until we were alone he wouldn't bring it up.

Time skip.

I was in my last hour. I was bored so I decided to listen in on other people's conversations. I mean if you're talking loud enough for me  to hear you in a generally noisy class, it's kind of easily for me to listen in.

"I don't get it." A familiar voice said and I glanced back to see it was the one girl who had started talking crap at the host club. Something about being able to get Mori when ever she wants. I still love the shocked expression on her face when I sat in mori's lap and said mine.

"Don't get what?" One of her friends asked.

"Why they're together. It's most likely an act."

"Are we going on about this again?"

"Yes, I could be so much better for him." I think her name was Inona or something. I know it starts with an I

"Well he likes her."

"It's all an act."

"Then you clearly don't pay attention to them in class or at the host club." The friend said. I liked her. She seemed nice. "Just drop it."

"I'm not dropping it."

Her friend sighed. "Then what would convince you hmm? An engagement ring? Their already together, the entire school knows. Even people out of school know about it."

"They're not really touchy touchy with each other like most couples. They don't talk much in public. It's an act. I'm telling you." Inona said totally disregarding her friend. "Today I'm going to flirt with Mori. Today he's going to be mine, not hers. A commoner."

Can I slap her already. I swear. If he wanted to be with you he would be with you. Get over yourself.

"You really shouldn't. Just because they don't do PDA doesn't mean they're not together. It's kind of nice to see a couple that's not all over each other. I know we're friends but I can't support you on this one. It's not a good idea. Just leave it alone."

"Today's the day." Inona said quieter. Her friend just let out another sigh.

"Aika?" Mori asked and I almost jumped at the sound of his voice.

"Yes, Takashi?" I asked tilting my head to the side. I was temp ed to kiss him to make a point. But decided against it. I'll tell him what she said after class. We can come up with something together.


Dream job?

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