chapter 16

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All throughout the day people would ask for a picture or for an autograph on the little booklet. Right now it was the last class of the day. Math. And unlike most people I actually liked math.

And just like every other class I was sitting next to Mori and honey. Not that I minded it kept me from having to socially interact with other people.

"Ai-Chan. Can you help me with this problem?" Honey asked. I was actually surprised someone besides me was actually doing the work. Most of the time people just talked to one another and the teacher wouldn't care as they either told us to do our work but never got on us for talking or ignored us after they gave their speech for the day. Honey was doing his work along with Mori. And me. Well I was already done. No wonder it was so easy to get a scholarship. Just kidding. Their entrance exam was actually pretty difficult. "Ai-Chan?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to honey.

"Sure." I said and leaned over pointing out how to set up the equation. "Now you just multiply this and take away this number to get you answer." I felt eyes on the back of my head and turned to see Mori watching the both of us.

"Look, Takashi, I finally solved it!" Honey said holding up the paper. I smiled at honey and patted his head. "How far have you gotten Takashi?"

"Done." Mori said and honey grabbed his paper and took both of theirs up to the teacher.

"Yes, Mori?" I Asked when I felt his eyes on me again.

When he didn't answer I turned my head to look at him. He sat down one of the many booklets Kyoya had printed off.

"You know most of the time I didn't even notice him take these pictures." I said trying to start a conversation and not an awkward staring contest. Honey came back and sat down on his knees while he leaned forward to take a look at the booklet.

"Hn." Mori hummed and honey flipped to the next page.

"By the way t he camera is positioned it looks like you guys are in love." Honey said flipping the page again. My posture stiffened just slightly and I forced a small smile on my face.

"Kyoya is sneaky sometimes." I said and honey pointed to the picture with the ice cube.

"I took this one." Honey said and both Mori and I looked at him with surprise in our eyes.

"You took that picture?" Mori asked and I looked at Mori in surprise for talking.

"You guys looked cute." Honey shrugged like it explained everything.

"Honey. In the future. Could you please not take pictures of Mori and I?" I asked but honey just shrugged.

"Stop doing cute things." Was all honey said and stood from his seat when the bell tang signalling the end of the school day.

Mori was still next to me as we stood up and watched honey walk to the door. We both looked at each other. I glanced at his lips and had the temptation to give him a quick kiss on the lips before walking out the room. But I held myself back and just walked to the door. Turning my head I looked back at him still standing there.

"You coming?" I asked. Mori then started coming my way with his bag in his right hand. I'm sure the walk to the host club would have been awkward. But Mori had kendo practice and I knew our walk would be cut short. I was going to say something to him but Haruhi was suddenly by my side.

"They are going to be the death of me." Was all she said before crawling onto my back and hiding her face in my shirt. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll see you at the host club last." I said to Mori and for the first time haruhi noticed he was there. It must have been a surprise to see mori but no honey along with him.

"Yeah. Good luck at kendo practice." Haruhi said. Mori hummed in response.

I walked to the host club while haruhi stayed on my back.

"He likes you." Haruhi said suddenly.

"Who?" I asked.

"Mori sempi."

"Not you too." I sighed "I swear if I have any more fan girls I'll scream."

"The fan girls are right. You guys are perfect for each other. Plus he likes you. You're just to blind to notice."

"Ironic coming from you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked.

"Hn." I huffed. Haruhi got off my back and opened the host club doors. Rose pedals came my way and I swatted them away. Knowing my luck I would choke and die on one of those things.


"Ai-chan! Ai-chan!" Honey called out hurriedly. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down so I was eye level with him.

"What honey?" I asked concerned.

"I have Mori's bag and he has my bag!" Honey said like it was the end of the world.

"Well when he gets back you guys can switch." I said like it was obvious but honey looked at me with those big Brown eyes.

"But I have my candy in there." Honey whispered and I couldn't help but smile. "Plus Mori has some training equipment in his bag he'll need for practice." Honey said and little louder. I let out a sigh.

"What do you want me to do? I don't know where his kendo class is at." I tried to stand straight but honey kept his hold on me. Holding Mori's bag he handed it to me. Then turning me around he followed behind me while he pushed me to the door.

"Exit the school. Turn right walk straight to the rose maze. then when you see the building kendo that is located at the other end of the maze you walk to the door." Honey said in a rush. "Thank you Ai-Chan." Honey said when i was out side of the school. I was forced the entire way but whatever. "See you when you get back!" He waved.

I rolled my eyes and headed for the maze.


Time skip, because I'm lazy.

Walking up the building that was located just outside the rose maze like honey said I walked up to the door and opened it. A small bell went off and some of the people in their looked my way.

"Aika." Mori said making me jump. I turned to my left to see mori standing next to me in his kendo clothes well except his shirt or robe or whatever it's called.

"I just missed you so much I just had to come and see you." I said with a smirk on my lips. I held up his bag. "Honey took yours by mistake." Mori reached out and grabbed the back from my hand grazing our fingers across each other.

"Thanks." He said and reached into the bag to pull out his shirt. He didn't put it on yet and reached over to the bench to grab honey's bag.

I took it from his hand and could hear a small voice in the back of my head say 'just kiss already!'

But being me I ignored that little voice. My eye wandered looking over his tan skin and lean muscles. I went to walk to the door but ended up tripping and landing in Mori's arms. I pulled back from him and gave him a kind smile.

"Thanks." I said. Mori was looking at me and I reached up to my cheek. "Is there something on my face?" I asked worried.

"No." Mori said and I kind of wished he would talk more so I wouldn't feel like I had to. "Do I?" Mori asked and I realized I was staring as well.

Trying to get rid of the tension between us I reached up and fixed his hair.

"There. Much better. I have to go. Honey is waiting for his bag." I said.

"Hn." Mori responded and I walked out the door.

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