chapter 52

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I've been sitting here on the couch Mori and honey usually sit in completely bored out of my mind. We had ten minutes till the host club would open but those ten minutes were taking forever.
The first second I walked into this room I just wanted to go home and sleep. Though if I'm being honest the second I get home I'll no longer be tired.

I stood from my spot on the couch and made my way to the back room but before I could get there I felt a hand grab my wrist. I turned around expecting honey or Kyoya about why I wasn't here earlier, only to find Haruhi holding me. I gave her a small smile.

"You alright?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"Are you?" She asked and I nodded my head. She gave me  a small smile and I gave one back. She then let go of my wrist and we walked away from each other. I walked back to my spot.

"It's time" Kyoya said and I let out a small sigh of relief. I looked around the brightly lit room and couldn't help think about all the crazy things we have done and will do in this room.

"Hey aika, I really missed you when you went with Mori today," honey said plopping down on the chair next  to the couch. "What did you guys do anyways?" He asked and I swear I saw some devil horns holding up that halo of his.

"Practiced." I said simply and shrugged my shoulders. "Why do you ask?" I'm definitely catching on to your little game Honey. I just think it's funny that you don't know Mori and I are already together.

"Oh you know, just me being curious," honey said smiling sweetly. He leaned back in his chair when I felt Mori take the seat next to me. Our legs were touching and his arm was wrapped around my shoulders just slightly. The girls all came in and that's when I saw inona sit down at the tape next to ours.

"The girl sitting in front of us at the other table is inona." I whispered  in his ear and placed a hand on his chest. Mori smiled so the people watching thought I was just flirting or something.

"Never noticed her before," he whispered back and grazed his lips across my cheek. I felt his free hands being placed on my knee. His hands was so hot It felt like it could burn a hole in the jeans I wore, I didn't mind though.

"I think I love you." I giggled teasingly. I felt Mori's eyes on me but I kept mine on the side of his face. "What was it you were going to do?" I asked in hopes that he would stop looking at me like that. He and I both know that I didn't say I love you when he confessed. That was two reasons.

One: his moods always changing from gentle touches to completely ignoring me. So I didn't want this to be just like all the other times.

Two: love is a very strong word. And yes I think in my head all the time about how much I love him. But if I want to wait to say "I love you" then I'll wait. I'm not going to be pressured into it.

"Something I should have done a long time ago." Mori said and I had to 're think what I had asked him..... oh right, his idea/ plan.

"She wasn't a problem a long time ago." I said after I thought about his words more carefully.

"I know," he pauses. "Two birds, one stone." He mumbled.

Now I was really curious as to what he was about to do.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Mori quietly asked the room and everyone went quiet snapping their heads in his direction. His voice is so deep he barely had to say anything for everyone to hear him.

"Sure Mori-senpia." Tamaki said excitedly.

"You all know about aika's and I's...." He couldn't find the word.

"Relationship!" One girl said.

"Over protective lovers!" Second one said.

"Love life!" Third girls said. All the girls pretty much had hearts in their eyes.

Mori cleared his throat and nodded. "But I've never asked her officially. To be my girlfriend." He looks at me and stands up from the couch.

The girls leaned in further knowing what's coming next and not wanting to miss a single second of it.

"Will you, Aika Fujioka, be my girlfriend?" He asked holding his hand out to me.

I was lost for words and he even warned me he would be doing something. I just wants expecting.... this. I looked into his eyes and he looked  a little worried I might say no. Who in their right mind you say no?!

"Something I should have done a long time ago." His words repeat in my head.

How long has he been thinking about asking me? I wondered.

My tongue felt heavy and my mouth dry. So instead of leaving him standing there, I stood up as quickly ad I could and jumped into his arms.

"Ugh!" I could hear Inona scream in frustration and then a door slamming. But I didn't really care, all I was thinking about was this amazing, wonderful, and kind guy holding me in his arms asking me to be his girlfriend.

And not just as an act.


Favorite movie?

Favorite song at the moment?

P.s. I realized the other day that sometimes when I'm not thinking I'll refer you guys (out loud or in my head) as mine. For example when I'm writing a new chapter or something I'll think about you guys and how I want to put a little more effort into it or a plot twist because you're mine and I want you to be happy.

(Another example is when I'll talk to someone about how you guys are my readers and they'll mention how you guys have your own lives and read other things, to which I get kind of possessive and be like. No. Their mine because they love my story and I love them for making me feel so happy so therefore they are mine. )

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