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"Takashi, your parents are down stairs," I hissed pulling back from the on slaughter of kiss. 

"Hn," Mori hummed pulling me back in for another kiss. I melted a little. I'll admit it. I'm human. This was thee Takashi Morinozuka sticking his tongue down my throat, of course I was gonna melt a little. 

"Oh don't you dare, hn, me right now." I mumbled between kisses. 

I could feel the smile on mori's lips as he deepened the kiss even more.

"Where's all this coming from?" I asked trying to pull away again halfheartedly. 

His eyes pinned me down as though there was nails through the bottom of my shoes holding me to the floor boards. 

"We're finally alone. Finally." Mori placed his head against mine in content. 

"Technically your parents are down stairs." I smirked but not even my words seemed to pull him out of his happy mood. 

"You've met my parents. They love you almost as much as I do." He paused to place a tender kiss against my lips once again. "There's no host club gonna barge through." Another kiss. "No one to put a show on for, just you and me in my room enjoying each others company with no expectations." This is the most i have ever seen mori smile, or any facial expression really. "I love you. i love you. I really really.... really... just love you. Everything about you." 

I have no idea what I am supposed to say back to this. Takashi Morinozuka literally is leaving me speechless.  

My lack of words didn't change anything, he just kissed me again. I didn't try to pull away, didn't try and say anything. I was just enjoying the moment while it lasted. 

drip drip drip

furrowing my eyebrows we both pulled away and looked over to the window. 


Rain started pouring down outside heavily. Grabbing Mori's hand I pulled him to the door. 

"Where are we going?"

"Outside." I grinned walking backward to give mori a wink. 

"Cliche isn't it?" 

"What?" I stopped stepping closer to place my free hand on his chest. "Afraid of a little rain?" I teased to which mori just rolled his eyes and started leading the way to the front door and pulling me out into the middle of their big driveway. 

I twirled around and threw both my hands in the air. It's been so long since I could just stand in the rain. I twirled once again and ended with wrapping my arms around mori's neck. Leaning down he kissed the tip of my nose. "We should go in soon, you'll get sick." Mori mumbled in my ear after he pushed the wet hair behind my ear. 

"mmm," I leaned in more unhooking my arms. "Make me," I jumped back and went to take off running but before I could take two steps forwards Mori's long arms reached out and were securely embarrassing me against his chest. admitting my defeat I leaned back and tilted my head back to smile up at him. 

I felt a couple taps across my stomach and words I never expected to leave his lips whisper across my ear, "Marry me."


"He asked you to what?" Haruhi asked me and leaned closer to me as we walked to school. 

"He asked me to, Marry him." I repeated holding my arms across my stomach. "Not right now, of course. He said once we graduate. "

"What did you say?" Haruhi asked stopping me to look at her. 

"I... I said, yes..." I blushed looking away from my sister. 

"You know this is a big step...."

"I had conditions." I started to explain once we started walking again. "I said if we can last 5 years of just being together, living together, both supporting each other on what we wanna do once we graduate and still wanted to be together, then yes. He fully agreed. He said being with me would be forth waiting for." I smiled remembering how his thumb brushed against my lips. 

"I'm happy for you, you deserve someone who will make you happy for the rest of your life." Haruhi wrapped her arm around my waist. 

"We also had hot steamy sex while my clothes were drying." I grinned as Haruhi's mouth dropped. 

"Sis, don't hold back on me now!" 

"My mouth is sealed." I made a zipping motion with my fingers. "I mean his mouth is... mm."


Smirking I looked down at my sister. "I love you.'

"I love you, too."



I figured this would be a good ending, I know this story was getting pretty long. I am so glad that all of you liked it enough to read to the end. I'm honestly surprised how this story has blown up, considering it was a request from my other OHSHC story. Thank you all for your support and I hope you all have a wonderful day or night. ;)

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