chapter 10

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3rd person pov after Aika left with kyoya and haruhi.

"Did you see that men?" Tamaki asked and looked at the door like it was going to open at any moment.

"Yeah, boss, kyoya was actually being nice to someone when there was no benefit for him in it." The twins said together and shrugged their shoulders.

"Well weren't kyo-chan and Ai-chan friends before she switched classes?" Honey asked with a cute giggle.

"Momma doesn't treat me that way." Tamaki pouted and sat in his corner.

"Well at least Aika has a friend." Hikaru started.

"Acording to her old school records she was never around anyone else besides haruhi." Kaoru finished and pulled our a piece of paper.

"That's it!" Tamaki exclaimed jumping out of his corner and a light shined around him. "We must become close friends with Aika and show her what it's like to have friends!" He said and I'm sure he didn't mean for it to sound like she is a loner. But you know when tamaki is coming up with a plan there is 100 percent possibility he is going to say something insulting.

"You know." everyone jumped and turned to face the door. "It really isn't nice to talk about someone behind their back." Aika walked into the room and made her way over to where she was sitting this evening and picked up Haruhi and her forgotten bags. "And just to let you know." Aika turned her head to look at the others. "I do have friends. Unlike you guys believe I am not a total loner, only 75% one. now if you will excuse me. Kyoya and Haruhi are waiting for me." Aika walked out of the room and the others in the room looked to Tamaki who was hiding in her corner.

"Boss?" Hikaru asked.

"Are you alright?" Kaoru asked.

"Scary." Was all Tamaki mumbled while sitting in his corner shaking. "Ninja."

"Boss?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked.


time skip

Aika's pov

"Thank you for the ride." I said and picked Haruhi up who was sleeping quietly in my ars.

"My pleasure. See you Monday." Kyoya said

"I don't know. Haruhi feels warm. She might have come down with something." I said placing my lips to her forehead to check her temperature. she was burning up.

"Most likely a common cold." Kyoya said nodding his head while writing down something in that black note book of his. "But you do know Monday is physical exams right?"

"I'll see you Monday then." I said giving him a small wave and climbed out of the vehicle.

"One more thing." Kyoya said and I turned to face him. "Don't take tamaki's words or actions as an insult. He can just be an idiot most of the time." Kyoya rolled up the window and I couldn't help the small smile I let through my already breaking walls.

"Aika." Haruhi said and opened her eyes. " I think it's time to go home."

"We are home." I said smiling down gently at her and walked up the stairs to our apartment. Haruhi started to wiggle and wanted to be put down so I set her on her feet and moved to unlock the door.

"Can you sing to me?" Haruhi asked and I looked over at her to see she was falling asleep standing up. I reached out and picked her up again before moving inside. I placed her on our shared bed and moved the blankets around her.

"Go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow." I said and kissed her forehead. "Good night."

"Okay. Good night, Aika." Haruhi said and she was dead asleep before I even left the room. I sat down on the couch and grabbed my school bag pulling out the assignment I didn't get done in class.

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