chapter 40

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"Is something wrong?" I asked placing a hand on his forehead acting like I didn't know why he was so surprised. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand down from his forehead. He didn't let go and instead of my hand falling to me side it stayed in his gentle grip by his side. His head leaned down just slightly and I could feel a light blush settle across my cheeks.

He took his free hand and brushed some of my hair behind my ear.

It seemed as though everything had slowed down. Not that his actions were slow more like someone had taken a picture and now we were stuck in this very moment. To the exact second his hand rested on my face or the ways he held my hand and leaned down just right so I could see the light reflecting against his grey eyes. All the emotion in them. It almost seemed like rings of different emotions smugged together to make up the color in ones eye.


But that's me just reading to much into it. I was being to.... romantic? Creative? Crazy?

Yup crazy.

Mori leaned down some more making me lose my thoughts.

"Takashi." I said and he went to retreat away from me but stopped himself. Tilting his head to the side he pulled away slowly and started walking down the hall way dragging me with him. "Where are we going?"

"Hn." Mori responded

"Oh don't you dare hn me right now." I said placing my free hand on my hip. He didn't slow down and continued walking down the hall to who knows where.

"Hn." He said again and walked out of the hall way into the dining room where the rest of the host club was sitting and eating some pancakes and fruits.

My butt hit a seat and I looked over to my right to see mori sitting there. He leaned over and placed a small kiss on my temple before turning his attention to every one else. I looked at the food around me and made sure to control my facial expressions. The smell alone of the pancakes was making my sick. So I reached over and grabbed an Apple to eat.

"Are you not going to eat more aika? We have a long day today." Kyoya said and I gave a small smile.

"Not that hungry. But thank you anyway for your concern." I said turned my nose down closer to my Apple and hopefully not smell the pancakes. I'm one of those weird ones that don't like pancakes. Waffles along with it. Though cake in general made me want to gag. I hated the smell, taste, texture, everything. "So you have the-"

A blue rolled up piece of paper was rolled over to me and I picked it up gently.

"Thank you." I said and I looked up at Kyoya to see him fix his glasses and study me more carefully.

"are you alright?" He whispered over to me. I nodded my head.

"I'm perfect." I said giving him a big smile.


When we were about to leave and head back home the hist club had to miss with Tamaki. I guess Tamaki had tried to help haruhi with her  problem. Only thing is the other host members had walked in on his tying a tie around her eyes and ear muffs of Her ears. Of course the host clubs didn't think Tamaki would actually take advantage of haruhi. It was just fun to mess with him.

So I sat back as Tamaki chased after the vehicle as we pulled away. the others laughed and rolled there eyes before the car came to a stop and Tamaki was let in the car.


Lolib- lal- lolabelas? How do you even say that? Correction, how do you spell it? Loliblios? You know what they said they are the zuka club so that's what I'm going to call them.

Lal. Lala.

Okay I need to stop its like trying to say specific after thinking about it to much. Or bowl. Say it to many times and it doesn't feel like a word.

"Half bred?" Haruhi questioned and looked over at tamaki.

"Half Japanese half French." I said speaking the first time the entire day. I wasn't feeling very talkative today. And Mori was watching me consistently. He thinks he can make me crack. I learned that the hard way. I had almost given in. But seeing him give me that smirk makes me want to fight a little harder. The fact my brain is thinking about this instead of the three girls in the room who claim women as the higher species. Though technically we are all human.

If we could become different species then I would have made my self an alien a long time ago. Maybe I'll be a galafreyian.

Ugh sorry I get distracted easily. Let me catch you up on some things.

First the host club. Nothing big has really happened besides the zuka club randomly showing up. all I really did for the past couple days was sit by mori all day and watch girls fangirl.

Haruhi. Still denying her feelings and currently getting offended by the host club selling her mechanical pencil. I'll get her a new one later.

Me. Holding myself together with glue and tape. So the normal.

Dad. Still being his wonderful self.

And lastly the one you have been dying to hear about....

Mori also known as a pain in my side and the reason I can't sleep at night. But alright here I go. Mori and me haven't really been talking to each other. Yes we will sit next to each other and give one another a kiss on the cheek. But besides that after what happened at the beach it has been going down hill. He doesn't reach out and touch me randomly. He doesn't whisper my name and hold me close. His kisses are growing shorter along with my patients of all these ridiculous things. He knows what he's doing. I can see the little glimmer in his eyes whenever he plucks one of my nerves or pushes one of my buttons.

But besides that nothing has happened......

Oh wait!

Someone asked me out. Yeah this guy had walked up to me thinking that i was no longer "dating" Mori. So he asked me out.

I said no. Very gently and as kindly as I could. But I still said no. Even if I wasn't "dating" Mori. I would most likely still said know. And before you start judging let me explain.

You know how you can tell if someone likes someone else?

They have this spark in their eye even if they only just met the person. Because they find that person so attractive or just love the smallest things about them just at first glance that it makes them crumble to the floor in total devotion to that person. I know you've see it. I've see it multiple times when people look across the room to try and find that one person that they know they will never be able to work up the courage to talk to but that never crushes the hope they have until the very end.

Or maybe think of it when you have a crush on someone and when they speak or look your way you could stay there for hours just listening to their voice or looking at them to take in every detail. It's kind of like that. And he didn't look at me like that. Not even a spark of that kind of emotion in his eye.

So that's one of the reasons I turned him down.

Besides I already get that feeling when I look at mori. And every one knows that it is better  to be single than in a relationship only for them to love someone else.

And yes. I have fallen madly in love with Takashi. I mind as well admit to myself. I am in love with Takashi.

I am in love with Takashi.

I am in love.

Love, What a funny word.

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