chapter 8

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"Rape, rape!" I yelled out when the twins pulled me into the dressing room. They had gotten me to put on the dress and now I my face was being abused with different powders and oily things. "Ugh! Would you two knock it off?" I asked when they started to paint my lips, who knows what what color.

"Done!" They cheered out together and I turned to everyone else getting out of my seat quickly.

"This dress is itchy, my face feels heavy and I don't see the point on wearing heals when I'm already tall." I grumbled out and made my way to haruhi. "How bad is it?" I asked her.

"You want the truth?" She asked..

"Lay it on me."

"Don't look in a mirror." She shrugged and walked away.

"I got a great idea. How about we switch places. I play you and you play me. We switch outfits and every thing is right in the world again." I said just to her and no one else could hear.

"No way."

"You look pretty Ai-Chan!" Honey said jumping into my arms.

"Why thank you honey." I said and tried not to breathe for this was so tight I thought I might ripe it if I did.

"Our best work yet." The twins said and all I could think of is how fast I could get this stuff off me.

"You actually would make a pretty girl." Kyoya said just to irritate me.

"My little girl looks so cute! Come give daddy a big hug!" Tamaki said and I moved to the side making him go past me.

"What do you think Takashi? Don't you think Ai-chan looks pretty?" Honey asked and I looked over to Mori.

"Yes." Was Mori' s response. Seems like the only person who was being truthful was haruhi. I made my way over to the mirror and jumped back from my reflection. I didn't recognize myself at first. My hair was straight and pinned away from my face. I had deep red lips and grey eye shadow that matched my dress.

I knew I wouldn't be able to rub my eyes or I would end up looking like a raccoon.

Why did they have to put make up on me anyways? I asked myself and turned away from the mirror.

"Let's go Ai-Chan the dance has already started!" Honey said taking my hand and pulling me to the main room.

Haruhi said something about fancy tuna and then walked away after all the guy besides mori and kyoya stopped fawning over her.

I was taking everything in. All the lights and decorations.

This wasn't my kind of thing. I preferred small get togethers with people that I actually knew and liked. Or what I really preferred was to sit in my bed and read a good book with a cup of hot chocolate in my hand while snuggling in all of my fluffy blankets.

Now that was my kind of party.

Even if I just sounded like a total loner right then.

But whatever. I don't need judgy people in my life. I have books.

"Would you like to dance?" Mori's deep voice asked me and I turned around quickly to face him.

"Um, sure." I said taking his hand and he led me out onto the dance floor. Placing his hand on my waist and one in my hand I placed my hand on his shoulder.

It was pretty quiet between us and I wasn't used to it. Most of the time I would stay quiet and let the other person talk.

But that clearly wasn't going to happen.

"Having fun so far?" I asked looking into his deep grey eyes that could make any other girl melt in the knees and crumble before him.

"Hn." Was his response so I decided to just drop the conversation....Ok never mind.

"So do you think we can finish the rocking chair by tomorrow?" I asked.

"Hn." He said again..

"Interesting. Very interesting. My thoughts exactly." I said with a slight sarcasm in my voice. I was letting my true self out for a little bit. I wonder what his response would be to it.

Instead of saying something I heard his chest rumble and e soon let out a deep chuckle. His eye flickered amusement for a moment before going back to their blank selves.

"Hn." He responded again but this time I saw the corner of his mouth twitch upwards.

Fine. If he wants to play that game with me then I will just have to show him what I am capable of.

"I like your voice. You should speak more often. It's so deep it makes shivers run-up my spine and goose pumps on my arms." I said batting my eye lashes and pulled us closer together. He had a shocked expression and I dropped the act and just grinned up at him. "Got yah." I teased.


"Ok seriously." I huffed and he smirked. "I wasn't kidding you should speak more." He leaned down to me and whispered lowly in my ear.

"The more I talk the less I get to hear your beautiful voice. " I froze right then and there. I actually got a chill from his voice and goose pumps were all long my entire body. "I didn't get to tell you this before. But you look beautiful." He said and I snapped back to reality. He's a host.

Don't take this seriously.

" I think I now know why they call you wild." I whispered back. "But at least I know I can get you to talk to me." I said normally and smiled up at him and sent him a wink. When the song ended we both pulled away and he kissed the back of my hand.

"Hn." Was all he said and we both walked away. I rolled my eyes and looked around for haruhi.

Time skip

Yuck. Haruhi kissed that one girl....I'm going to kill tamaki.

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