Chapter 14: Surprises

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(Chapter 14)

*Caroline's P.O.V*

I lay on my bed looking up at the vanilla ceiling. It's Thursday night, and I'm stranded in my room for who knows how long. It's been two days since I last saw Harry, and frankly I don't know what to do with myself. Mirna is always calling my house phone and telling me all these sweet things Zayn has been doing for her. And I'm happy for her I am, but sometimes it just hurts. Every time she starts talking about how much she likes Zayn, I can't stop thinking about how I have the exact same feelings for Harry.

Suddenly, I hear ringing but I don't know where it's coming from. My mom finally figured out I was using Mirna's cell and made me give it back to her. So I knew it wasn't her cell phone ringing.

I began pacing all around my room, trying to find where the annoying ringing was coming from. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move outside my window. Hesitantly, I made my way over to the window before opening it. Looking out into the dark night, images of Harry flash across my eyes. When he climbed this tree so we could sneak off into the night together.

I was cut out of my thoughts when I saw a light shine from below me. There was what looked like a brand new phone sitting on my window ledge and it had a big red bow tied around it. I just stood there staring at it confused. Suddenly, It started ringing again, and the caller ID read 'Harry'. I couldn't prevent the smile from forming on my lips when I saw his name. My heart escalated as I grabbed the brand new phone. I carefully took off the bow, before pressing the answer button and putting it up to my ear.

"Hello, Harry?" I whispered into the phone. I don't exactly know why I was whispering, but I just did it anyway.

"Do you like it?" Harry's husky voice questioned on the other line. I looked at the phone again, it must have cost a fortune. I couldn't help but wonder, where Harry got the money for this?

"It's a nice phone, but I can't accept this Harry."

"Come on Cara you told me you needed a phone. Just keep it. I'm not taking it back." I rolled my eyes

"But Harr-"

"No Cara," Harry interrupted. I could tell he was being serious, so I just decided to leave it at that.

For now...

"Harry, where have you been? I haven't seen you at school for two days, and you haven't talked to me since Tuesday." I said trying to sound calm, but it came out more desperate than I intended it to be.

"I've been busy, but i'll be at school tomorrow."

"What was so important that you had to miss two days of school for?" I knew I was probably being really noisy, but I really wanted answers. I want Harry to know that he can tell me anything.

"You'll find out soon enough babe." Harry chuckled. I didn't really get the joke, but I decided to play along and drop the subject. I was about to say something, but Harry beat me to it. "By the way I really like your pajamas, how come you never wear that around me?"

I froze at Harry's words, how did he know what I was wearing? I began looking around the dark neighborhood, until I spotted it. It was Harry's black Range Rover, and Harry was leaning against it waving at me.

"Oh my gosh! Harry, have you been standing there the whole time?" I questioned, never breaking contact with his intense gaze. It was hard to notice in the dimly lit neighborhood, but I could almost see the cocky smirk playing on Harry's lips. And without another word, he got into his car and drove down the street, out of the neighborhood.

I just stood there for a second shocked. Then I felt a cold breeze hit my skin and quickly closed the window. Was it that cold the whole time? I looked down at my new phone and smiled, at least now I have something that reminds me of Harry. I carefully put it down on my desk, before walking over to my mirror to look at myself. I was wearing a my favorite pink, silk, see-through pajama shorts and top. Good thing I was wearing underwear, but as for a bra... I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks when I realised I wasn't wearing a bra. I quickly climbed into bed, hoping I could dream better now that Harry and I were speaking again. But before my eyelids could fall, I heard a loud beep come from my right. I lazily grabbed the phone, before looking at a new text that came in from Harry.

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