Chapter 35: If You Could Turn Back

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(Chapter 35)

*Caroline's P.O.V*

"Liam?" I whispered before twisting the knob to his bedroom door.

The moment I peeked my head through the crack I immediately regretted it. Dani was on her knees in front of Liam begging for forgiveness, whilst Liam just stared down at her in disgust.

I could feel my breath hitch in my throat by the scene in front of me. It was so surreal, i've never seen Liam look at Dani any other way than admiration.

I could tell they still haven't noticed that I was even in the room. There was a strong part of me that just wanted to leave and go on with my business, but I know that this is partly my fault and I couldn't do that to Dani. Even though she went behind my back and tried to hurt me, there was a time when we were friends, real friends. And that's the only thing keeping me from closing the door and leaving.

"Liam," I whispered a little bit louder, whilst opening the door wider so that I could step into the room.

Immediately, Liam's eyes flicked over to mine, the dark demeanour of his orbs sent shivers down my back. I've seen Liam angry plenty of times, so why does it feel so different this time?

"Is. it. true?" Liam questioned, his voice clipped and filled with disgust. Though, knowing Liam so well, I could hear the tiniest sound of hope in his voice. I know how much he loves Danielle, and for her to do this to me is probably breaking Liam more than it did me.

I slowly looked over at Dani who was staring at me with puffy eyes from crying. She looked broken, maybe even more than she was the first time Liam broke up with her. That is what hurts the most, I was the reason they broke up the first time, and now I might be the reason they break up again. If I was Dani I would hate me, she has every reason to hate me. I even hate myself right now.

Way to fuck everything up Cara...

My annoying conscience scolded, making me want to slap her, but then I would be slapping myself.

I could feel Liam's eyes burning into me when I didn't answer, I didn't have too. My silence was enough for him to catch on.

"How could you?" Liam whispered his voice cracking in the middle.

I could feel a pang of guilt in my chest as I looked up to see him staring down at Danielle. Her eyes were wide and filled with defeat. I wish I never saw Danielle at that damn cafe. Even though I would have got hurt in the end, I'd rather it be me than Liam. He doesn't deserve this, any of this, neither does Dani.

This is all Jake's fault...

"I-I never meant to hurt you," Danielle whispered. I could tell she was being completely honest which hurt the most.

"Oh, so you wont hurt me, but you can hurt my sister?" Liam snapped, backing away from Danielle.

"Liam, I didn't have a choice!" Danielle shot back a little louder trying to get her point across. But, Liam being his arrogant self didn't listen.

"Bullshit! You knew exactly what you were doing! What did you think would happen, you would hurt my sister and I wouldn't even notice?" Liam shouted his anger getting the best of him.

"No! I was planning for us to already be in America by that time-" Danielle accidentally shouted before throwing her hand over her mouth to keep her from continuing.


I could see Liam's eyes go wide in realization. "So that's why you wanted to move to America, so I would be out of the way and you could hurt my sister." Liam whispered, his voice filled with digust toward Dani.

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