Chapter 3

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Ava's pov

It was finally Saturday and it was exactly 2pm and I was planning on going shopping with Emma to buy new clothes and lingerie.

Later will be hitting the clubs because Emma thinks I don't know how to loosen up and have fun.

I was watching 'How to get away with murder' on my laptop when I got a text from Emma 'I'm on my way you better be ready' I throw my phone back on the bed and continued watching.

I just finished watching the episode when I heard a loud hunk coming from outside. I shut down the computer and got out of bed I went downstairs and got my bag.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I quickly ran out my house because knowing Emma she would walking here and literally drag me out if I take too long.

We have been driving for about 10 minutes. Emma and I are catching up on each other's lives.

" Oh' yea I forgot to tell you my boyfriend Derek is coming with us to the club's later on " Emma told me with a huge smile on her face.

She was smiling so hard that her face was going to spilt. "Wait you have a boyfriend and you didn't think it was a good idea to inform me" I said waiting for her to explain.

" Jeez we have only been dating for two weeks and it's not like I could get a hold of you. You were too busy looking with your job search" she yelled rolling her eyes.

"Whatever " I said sticking my tongue out at her. "So how is his he like is he good looking " I asked excitedly.

She looked over at me trying not to smile but failed" He's hot and very nice and kind-hearted "

" go on how did you two meet I want to know all the details " I said like an excited schoolgirl having a sleepover telling each other juicy gossip.

" well he came in one morning and asked for a cup of coffee to go we started talking and he asked me out we exchanged numbers.

"We went on a date he brought me to the new Italian restaurant that just opened after the date we hit it up" she said with a spark in her eyes.

"Sounds like he's a keeper " I said happy for her. " I have to find someone for you tonight so we can all can go on double dates" she looked at me suggesting.

I just rolled my eyes and looked out the window. 'Typical her always trying to be a matchmaker'. I thought to myself.

We got out of the car and she literally dragged me to one of her favorite shop forever 21.

We tried on a couple of things well more like she picked a bunch of clothes and I had to try them on.

We were there for three hour and I could see that some of the workers were getting fed-up with us.

We went through a couple of dresses when I heard Emma saying " you have to try this dress on like now" she throws the dress at me and pushed me into the dressing from before I could protest.

I looked at the dress and I must say it is a gorgeous black tightfitting dress that stopped on at the middle of my thighs. It was low cut and showed a little too much boobs for my liking.

I walked out and saw Emma on her phone when she looked at me her mouth opened wide. "Oh, my goodness you look amazing you have to buy this dress and you have to wear it to the club tonight "

We paid for our stuff and walked out with four bags each in our hands. We made our way to one of the restaurants nearby. We walked in and took one of the seats at the back at the corner.

We set our bags on the floor and ordered our usual. We called the waitress over who so happens to be our friend because we come here often.

"Hey girls haven't seen you two in like forever how are you all " said a very happy Angie. Emma was the first to speak "we been great just really busy without lives"

"Yeah did you know that she has a new boy because I didn't until a few hours ago" I said with a smirk on my face. "Really who is he? tell me!! how did you two met? is he hot? where did you two go on your date? " Angie was already sitting down beside us by the time she was finished talking.

Emma told her what she told me. She sat with us for about ten minutes before her boss came out " Angie go back to work now the costumers are waiting to be severed"

"okay guys I'll talk to you later and I'll be back with your food" she said before she walked into the kitchen.

She came back after a few minutes and gave us our food. We sat there for a few minutes and talked watching people walk in and out.

We talked to Angie before we left, and we invited her to club with us. We drove back to my house we watched a few movies on Netflix and stuffed our faces with sweets and anything else I had in the kitchen

The movie just about finished when we heard a nook on the door. I walked to it and opened it to see Angie and our other friend Megan. I was immediately crushed by hugs. "Can you let me go now your crushing me" I said trying to breath. When they say Emma they immediately ran and gave her a hug.

I closed the door and walked upstairs to take a bath "guys I'm going upstairs to take a bath" I didn't even get a response I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

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