Chapter 50 (Epilogue)

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I searched through my letters in the hopes of receiving good news but all I could see was nothing but bills.

I stopped flicking through my letters when I came across a letter that did not resemble the letters I was used to seeing.

Perhaps it is good news, I told myself as I rushed to rip the envelope open.

I read it only to stop midway. I knew exactly what it was without having to read the rest.

It was a letter to inform me that Mr. Morgan was talking legal action against me.

This was the moment I was fearful of. Miranda had reassured me that I would have immunity from any lawsuits.

I reached for my phone in my pocket and called her. 'The number you are trying to call isn't available at the moment'

I tried again each time more desperate to reach her then the last.

'Pick up Miranda it's urgent'

'The number you are trying to call is not available at the moment'

What am I going to do. Miranda isn't picking her calls. I am facing a serious lawsuit and I don't have a job; my bills are piling up. What am I going to do?

I tried calling her again but to no avail. Desperate for a breakthrough I dialed my mother's number.

'Mum..I can't get in contact with Miranda. I have been trying to call her, but I can't reach her'

'Honey slow down. What's wrong? Why are you trying to call her? Can't you wait for her to see your missed calls then call you back' the elderly woman suggested as she tried reasoning with her only child.

'It's urgent mum, I need her help. It isn't something that can wait'

'Susan, what is going on? Are you in trouble? Why are you so upset?

Susan could hear the alarm bells practically going off in her mother's head. She knew it would be unwise to inform her mum of the trouble she has put herself in.

'It's nothing to be worried about mother. This is a matter only Miranda can fix'

'Susan tell me why you need Miranda. It may be an issue not only Miranda can fix. I am your mother I need to know what is happening. You are my only daughter after all'

Susan's mum exclaimed finding herself more and more curious to the point she was considering leaving her housekeeping job earlier than expected to pay a visit to her seemingly distressed daughter.

'I am okay, I called you to ask for a favor'

'What is it dear'

'Do you still have the number of their lawyers?'

'Now Susan what do you need a lawyer for? You are not in trouble, are you?'

'No mother, I need one to finalize a deal' Susan lies knowing that her mother will not let it rest if she was to tell her the truth.

She didn't want the older woman to be stressed at her age. Her mother had been made redundant by Miranda's family because of the sole fact she was getting old.

They were seeking a 'more vibrant, able body' as they put it.

This had taken a massive toll on her mother. She hasn't reached retirement age yet and did not desire to retire so she had no choice but to seek for a new job.

After months of searching and Susan supporting her financially, she finally found another housekeeping job which didn't pay as well but it was better than nothing.

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