Chapter 47

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Ava's pov

I've never fully given a thought to be a mother. It has always been something I avoided at all cost.

Yesterday when Aiden mentioned it, it got me thinking or should I say overreacting. I have always believed there was nothing I could offer a child.

I had a great childhood up until a certain point. After our tragic loss, I raised my siblings for most of their lives but to have a child would be completely different.

A little helpless being who solely depends on you, unbeknownst to the child if you can provide for their wellbeing or not.

Upon all these conclusions I had made up my mind that it would be best to not bring children into this world.

Thoughts were running wild that I did not realize Aiden had fallen asleep. I reached for the remote and turned off the tv.

I had no interest in the movie we were watching anymore.

Once the television was off, I placed the remote on the coffee table adjacent to myself. Craving comfort I snuggled into Aiden chest more.

I stayed in this position for a while, yet sleep did not come to me. I desired to feel the sensation of falling asleep but to no avail.

There is too much on my mind. If I managed to stop myself from thinking about one thing another would take its place.

It was an endless circle of vicious thoughts. The new one worse than the pervious.

My mind kept wandering back to the incident that occurred which caused me to lose my job.

I also couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Mr. Douglas who I barely knew would do such a thing.

How can someone that is of his caliber abuse his power in such a way.

I wonder what Aiden will do about this. Following his behaviour, he is taking the matter seriously, but I sincerely hope he follows through.

I hope to see the day I get some form of justice. I want every single one of them to get the punishment they deserve.

But I can't lie the most disappointing revelation is Susan. How can someone be so friendly in your face and behind your back they plot such devilish things.

I would have never known it was her if there were no slip ups. What made me consider that she could be behind my misfortunes was when I visited the cafe.

The manger gave me an insight that did not cross my mind beforehand. I was sick to the stomach knowing that there is a strong possibility that Susan tried to poison me.

But even with that possible knowledge I still tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and accept that I may be wrong with my assumptions because there could very much be a better explanation that isn't entirely obvious.

I lifted my head when Aiden started moving around on the couch. He had his eyes closed shut as he changed positions.

Feeling uncomfortable as his body was now in an awkward position. I got up and decided I it would be a good idea to get something to eat as hunger was starting to settle in.

I wrapped my fingers around the fridge door and pulled the fridge open. The lights flicked on to reveal the contents in the American style fridge. The first thing to catch my eye was the cheesecake that I am assuming Aiden bought as it was in a plastic container.

Anticipating the taste of the lemon cheesecake I took it out and placed it gently on the kitchen Island.

With my knife in hand and plate on the table I slowly cut into the cake and placed a slice on the plate. I took a fork from the drawer beside me and cut a small piece off.

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