Chapter 22

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Ava's Pov

The events of yesterday were rather refreshing. Damien continued to show me around his office building.

It wasn't as awkward after a while. The incident was forgotten, and it was almost as if it never occurred. Afterwards we decided to go for ice cream. I am proud to say I drove on our way to the ice cream parlor.

Maybe practicing every Sunday with Damien isn't entirely a bad idea. He was able to teach me how to turn properly and he was a good at containing his composure unlike my pervious driving instructor.

Who would lose his temper when I didn't do an instruction correctly to his liking. I heard from his other students that he suffered a stroke but thankfully he's still alive and doing well.

I was currently in my office on a Monday afternoon. It was soon to be lunchtime and Susan and I decided to go to the cafe across the street for lunch.

'Knock, knock'

'Come in' I said with my eyes still glued to my computer screen. Someone stood by the door clearing their throat in order to get my attention.

I looked up wanting to know who the person was only to see Mr. Morgan standing by the door.

'Good afternoon sir, I was looking through the emails that were sent to me this afternoon. Didn't realize it was you' I said in a slight haste.

'Is there anything I can do for you' I asked cutting him in the process.

'Sorry sir, I didn't mean to speak over you' I continued starting to feel the blood creep up my neck slowly to my face.

'It's no worry, I came here to formally apologize for what happened the other night. It was completely out of hand and you did not in the slightest bit deserve that type of insult' Mr. Morgan exclaimed genuinely looking concerned.

'Sir, I've already put it behind me. She said what she said, and it truly doesn't bother me anymore' I tried to reassure him.

He certainly did not look as if he was convinced with my answer.

'I must make it up to you, let me make it up to you' he continued.

'That wouldn't be necessary sir, you have given me a job and many more. That is truly enough for me' I spoke genuinely not seeing what more he could truly offer me.

'How about dinner? It would be in one of the best restaurants in the city. It is the least I can do for the inconvenience caused '

'It really isn't necessary; you don't have to do all this. You don't have to amend damage Miranda causes. She's responsible for her own actions, not you' I spoke honestly. I truly wanted him to believe that.

I see the way he tries to fix everything after she's destroyed it. It's as if she has something over him. Why does he see the good in her? What does he see that no one else does? I don't understand.

'You're right, I don't have to clean up her wrong doings, but I want to make this right' he declared looking at me with determination.

'I don't want any of my employees believing they are less than or they are not a valued member in this enterprise' Mr. Morgan spoke as if he was reading the company's mission statement.

'I want to start over with a clean slate, I want to do this by inviting you to dinner'

Not knowing what else to say I agreed. It's only business, nothing more nothing less. I am an employee of his and he is my boss, a boss who has a good heart.

'I will inform you on when and what time' Mr. Morgan spoke then later breaking into a small smile.

He then opened the door and made his way out.

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