Chapter 29

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Ava's pov

I walked all the way over to my apartment. Once I got inside, I started evaluating everything that has ever happened that went unnoticed by me in the past.

I dropped my bag on the floor and walked towards my bedroom, I was feeling hungry as I was on a mission. I thought back to past events I had blindly missed.

If she truly did do this, then this couldn't have been the first sign that would give away her true intentions. She has been acting rather unusual lately.

The first thing that comes to mind is her excess about of phone use. She may be talking to her new man, but I sometimes feel her phone is her 'barrier' or 'shield' away from me.

It is as if she consumes herself with the phone to avoid me. I noticed her excessive use but never dwelled on it too much.

I flicked my pen and wrote down what I just thought off.

I also noticed her odd behavior at the skating rink. How she quickly turned around and looked the other way as if hoping I didn't see her.

She also said she was going on the skating rink and even went to the stall to purchase skates, yet I did not see her anywhere after.

She was not acting like herself at all yesterday when she kept on coming to my office to gossip about different things that really were not work related whatsoever.

She would come in as if trying to waste my time or was it perhaps...... she was trying to see if the thing she put in my coffee was working?

Which would explain her unusual behavior and concern or perhaps false concern when my body began reacting to whatever that was in the coffee.

She hasn't called since yesterday to check up on me or even sent a text asking if I'm okay.

The doctors did say I was fine on the general checkup, but they took some blood and urine samples to test in the lab. Which usually takes longer to get the results.

The results they gave me was only the general checkups.

Looking at the list in front of me these claims are utterly outrageous. What if I have this all wrong and I was scammed by the manager at the cafe who wasn't ready to take responsibility for what happened and was looking for someone or something to blame.

I might be reaching. I might be accusing a completely innocent person whose intentions is purely good or is it a case of the truth is more bazar than fiction.

Breathing out loud, I collapsed on my bed. I lay there for a while trying to collect my thoughts.

All these claims are wild, and I don't even know what to even think right now. Maybe it is the fear of possibly losing my life that has me rethinking everything and trying to put the blame on anything.

I need food! I screamed in my head out of frustration.

As I got up from my mattress the door rang. Who is that? I don't remember inviting anyone over.

I got up fully and walked over to the door. Too lazy and drained to check the pip hole I used the key to unlock and swung the door open.

As the door opened, I saw Aiden standing there.
'Hello. I didn't know you were coming?' I said but it came out as more of an statement.

'I wanted to check up on you to make sure you were alright. Are you going to let me in?' Aiden raised one eyebrow waiting for my response.

'Oh yes, come in' I ushered opening the door wider for him while I gave way for him.

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