Chapter 8

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"Hello is this Mrs. Hilson"
"Yes your talking to Mrs Hilson, how may I help you" Mrs Hilson replied to the unknown person.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but your husband was found died in his car this morning, he was hit by a drunk driver last night and suffer ed from internal bleeding" the woman on the phone said confirming Mrs. Hilsons biggest fear.

The woman hanged up the phone after she was finished saying her condolences.

Mrs Hilson broke down in her hallway sobbing quietly trying not to wake up any of her children that were still sleeping.

Up-stairs Ava who was the oldest noticed that there was something off about this morning.

She got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom she shared with her younger, closing the door quietly.

Walking down the stairs the unsettling feeling came back.

The sight she saw broke her heart. She saw her mother by the phone in the hallway sobbing uncontrollably.

This made Ava restless knowing that her mother was in distress.

She walked quickly to her mother's side trying to calm her down by wrapping her arms around her.

She slowly guided her mother to the living room.

They both sat on one of the light pick sofa with their hands still around each other.

"Mum what happened why are you crying" twelve-year-old Ava asked curiously.

"I just got off the phone with a police officer...she told me that your father -she looked up at me with tears in her once bright blue eyes -was found this morning in his car....dead".


The room that once filled with happy memories was now filled with the sobs and the angry cries of my siblings and I.

I sat on our old couch holding my sister in a hug letting her cry on my shoulder.

I am being the oldest was trying to be strong and console them, but I found it very difficult to be strong in a time like this.

I even felt worse when Samuel who was the second oldest told me that our mum had been sick for a while and had been in and out of the hospital.

"Why didn't you tell me" I asked barely recognizing my voice which sounded a bit off.

"We didn't want you to worry" Debby the youngest explained with her head still on my shoulder as she looked up at me.

"You should have told me I would have been able to do something"

"You have done a lot for us since dad died and we didn't want to tell you because mum told us not mention anything to you because you were struggling to find a job and you could barely pay your rent"

Jonathan the second youngest explained as he walked over to the couch taking a sit beside me and wrapping his arms around me resting his head on top of my right shoulder.

I looked to the corner of the room to see Samuel leaning against the black, marble mantle-piece with bloodshot eyes staring at us.

I gestured for him to come closer, after a few seconds he walked over to us and instantly wrapped his arms around Debby.

"What happens now" Debby asked

"We have to plan a funeral for mum, I'll use the money I have been saving but I'm not sure if it's going to be enough" I exclaimed not really knowing where to go from here.


We had been planning the funeral for about a week now.

I asked to take a couple of weeks off to plan the funeral and took some time to heal before I can go back to work.

At this point we were almost done with the planning there was just a few things left to sort out.

We still had to inform some of our family members about the funeral.

It is only going to be a small funeral nothing big or fancy, just our family and close friends that has been by our side.

Debby and I were currently in our mum's room looking through the photo album which our mom kept on the bottom drawer underneath her clothes.

I remember our mum would always bring it out when our aunties and uncles came around.

They would always say how much we had grown.

We opened the first page. The first picture was of me when I was about 12 weeks old.

I had on a light pink dress with a hair band with a pink flower at the side.

I had my legs and hands in the air smiling and showing my pink gums.

My mum would always tell me that I was the heaviest child out of all of us and it was a bit of a struggle when she was giving birth to me.

"Remember when you would always come home from school crying because a little boy in your class was teasing you and playing pranks on you" I said to Debby recalled the time when she was about four and I was ten.

"Yeah and you told me he was only annoying me because he wanted to be my friend" she said while laughing.

I laughed as well remembering the day I said that. It was cute when she came home every day complaining about the little boy whose name was Jason.

A few years after Jason and his family moved so Debby no longer talked about him again.


(Vote and comment) stay blessed

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