Chapter 27

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Ava's pov

Lying in a hospital bed is definitely not how I envisioned my day would go. Luckily, I don't have to share a room with other patients since Aiden insisted that I am to stay in a private room.

Which was rather spacious, with a private toilet in the room. There was a small plasma tv also to watch and pass time. There was a hospital bed which I was currently lying on and a comfy chair beside the bed.

There was a window on my left which had the perfect view of the city outside. There was a red button beside my bed for me in case I wanted to call a nurse or doctor.

Beside my bed there was a small bin placed for when I felt the urge to vomit.

On our way here I constantly felt the urge to vomit, I did a few times in bags that were given to me by the ambulance men.

Most times I had to suppress the build-up of bile from my stomach. Aiden constantly made sure I was drinking enough water.

Once we had arrived to the hospital. I was immediately talking into my own room. Mr. Morgan insisted that his personal doctor examine me to find out what was wrong with me.

After my exams, the general results came back that I seem to have had food poisoning. I can't seem to pinpoint where or when I could have had something that was off.

The only thing I can recall eating that might have possibly caused this would be the scrambled egg muffin I had at the cafe with Aiden yesterday but since we had the same food why did I get sick and he didn't?

I honestly don't know, but I would have to go home and bin some food to avoid getting sick again.

We have been in the hospital for hours now. The doctor informed me that I could leave today but I would need to rest in the hospital for a few hours before taking my leave if I pleased.

They gave me a few pills and more water to help stop the effects. The pain I felt previously had reduced significantly but it was still there.

On occasion I would feel the stabbing like sensation on my lower abdomen.

Aiden has refused to leave my side. He had been ensuring I get the best staff and best treatment while I am here.

The only time he has left was to get me more water if he felt the nurses were not fast enough when they were called to the room.

'How are you feeling now?' Aiden asked searching my face for answers.

'I'm much better than I felt a few hours ago but I'm too warm right now'

Upon hearing my complaint, he immediately turned on the air conditioning that was also installed in the room.

Although this was on, I still did not feel my body temperature going down.

'Is that any better?' Aiden asked looking at me for answers ' by the expression on your face that did not improve your condition'

Aiden immediately looked around the room. He got up from his chair and walked into the toilet.

All I could hear was the tap running and his footsteps as he made his way around the toilet. He came out with a wet cloth on his hand.

'Don't worry the cloth is brand new' he informed as he sat down on the small space on the bed.

He pushed my hair out of my face slightly, genteelly placing the cloth on my forehead. Once I had experience the coolness the cloth provided, I let out a slight sign of satisfaction.

Aiden laughed 'I am glad it's helpful'

He continued to do this until my temperature decreased.  While he was in the toilet a nurse I hadn't seen before walked in.

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