Chapter 39

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Aiden's point of view

'Maxwell, as I told you yesterday, we are launching new products for our hotel branches'

'Follow me' I guided him around the spacious room which had all our products displayed 'as you can see the team has placed the ranges in the appropriate section.

'For example,' 'come closer... here are the hand cream section, over here are the hand wash products'

'We have the body wash section there and body cream over there beside it' I motioned to the different products. 'We separated them to show the difference in sizes within a range. We are aware that not everyone wants or needs the same size and also our customers can take a bag of products as a parting gift from our hotels'

Not waiting for his response, I said ' if you turn around over here this is all the different ranges.

'I want this to be shown first in the leaflets and website' I explained directing his action to the section where all the products from hand wash to body creams were placed.

'So, I'm going to need you to take a few pictures, different lighting, then show them to me. Once I am happy with them, I will direct it to the department in charge of this project'

'Alright sir. Thank you so much you have no idea how much you have saved my company'

'As in' I asked wanting to know if what he just confessed to meant more.

'Unfortunately, I have not been able to find work that is of course before Susan hired me... before Susan directed me to you and got me hired by you'

'Well, I have to get going. I will be at my office if you need anything. Ask a member of staff for a beverage if you need one' I explained to him before taking my exit and leaving him to complete the task.

I made my way over to my office which will not take me long to get to since it was close to the room I was in previously.

Everything in the office continued as usual. All except for the rumors concerning Ava and how she is no longer working with us.

It had only been a day since the incident yet the news at the office spread quick and everyone had their various speculations.

Of course, no one dared to come to me direct to ask in fear of being fired also. The only person who seemed to be bold enough was Susan yesterday, but she believed she had a legitimate reason which was concern for Ava's wellbeing.

Since yesterday Susan has been the one to assist me with a few things in the office.

I am yet to get a new personal assistant not because I can't hire one immediately but because I want to keep my eye on Susan.

Having her pose as my part time PA for now allows me to observe any suspicious behavior.

Of course, she may be completely innocent in this and I may be off the trail completely, but I have to start somewhere.

I am still debating whether or not to get a private detective.

Since this morning I have had Susan do a few office work for me. Of course, I couldn't get her to do everything Ava did because for one she is not skilled as a PA and two she is also the receptionist meaning she also had additional work.

So, her plate is extremely full at the moment, but she doesn't seem to be complaining in fact she gave me the impression she loved her newfound position.

I can't help but notice that she seems to have a smile on her face more often than usual.

Then again it has only been twenty-four hours so that is not enough time to judge but I thought it was rather off.

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